Iglunix Save

Linux (and other kernels) distro with no GNU components

Project README


Unix like software distribution with no GNU components

All build scripts are 0BSD Licensed.

To create an ISO from a non-iglunix OS please see https://github.com/iglunix/iglunix-autobuild

Is this GNU/Linux

No. We currently only have one GNU package in the whole system: GNU Make. Iglunix has the least possible software for any self hosting Linux distribution. In the future, with a rewrite of GNU Make, we will have no GNU software at all.




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Web Browsers

Iglunix has Firefox packaged requiring autoconf as an extra GNU package.

Replacements LUT

standard tool iglunix tool use
glibc musl libc
glibc libexecinfo Backtrace functions
libstdc++ libc++ C++ standard library
libgcc libunwind Stack unwinding
libgcc compiler-rt Compiler builtins
bison byacc POSIX yacc
coreutils toybox+busybox POSIX utilities
gcc clang C++ compiler
zlib zlib-ng Compression library
gmake bmake, others POSIX Make implementation
ninja samurai Ninja build implementation
GNU M4 OpenBSD M4 POSIX M4 implementation
ncurses netbsd-curses X/Open Curses implementation
bash mksh Shell
Linux PAM Open PAM Pluggable Authentication Modules
sudo doas Privilege escalation
pkg-config pkgconf Package configuration tool
e2fsprogs make_ext4fs Make an ext4 file system
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Iglunix" Project. README Source: iglunix/iglunix
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Last Commit
2 weeks ago

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