Ikev2 Docker Save

Run a IKEv2 VPN in a Docker containern without any effort

Project README

Effortless IKEv2 VPN in Docker


First step: Install docker on your system and open port 500 and 4500 for UDP traffic in your firewall.

Option 1

Second step: Run configuration with

docker run --rm --name=vpn-cfg -it -v /your/path/config:/config cschlosser/ikev2-vpn configure

Fill in the blanks and everything you need will be generated for you.

Third step: Run

docker run --rm --name=vpn -d -v /your/path/config:/config --privileged -p 500:500/udp -p 4500:4500/udp cschlosser/ikev2-vpn

To start the vpn

Option 2

Second step: Run

docker run --rm --name=vpn -it -v /your/path/config:/config --privileged -p 500:500/udp -p 4500:4500/udp cschlosser/ikev2-vpn

This will run the configuration the first time you're launching the container.

Client setup

Last step: See this Tutorial: Step 7 – Testing the VPN Connection on Windows, iOS, and macOS on how to configure your client.

NOTE: Your certificate is stored in /your/path/config/vpn-certs/ instead of ~/vpn-certs/.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Ikev2 Docker" Project. README Source: cschlosser/ikev2-docker
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6 years ago

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