Importer Exporter Versions Save

3D City Database client for high-performance import and export of 3D city model data


2 months ago

This is a minor maintenance and bug fix release. See the change log for the complete list of changes.


5 months ago

This is a minor maintenance and bug fix release. See the change log for the complete list of changes.


5 months ago

This is a minor maintenance and bug fix release. See the change log for the complete list of changes.


9 months ago

This is a minor maintenance and bug fix release. See the change log for the complete list of changes.


1 year ago

This is a minor maintenance and bug fix release. See the change log for the complete list of changes.


1 year ago

This is a minor maintenance and bug fix release. See the change log for the complete list of changes.


2 years ago

This is a minor maintenance and bug fix release. See the change log for the complete list of changes.


2 years ago

This is a minor maintenance and bug fix release. See the change log for the complete list of changes.


2 years ago

This is a minor maintenance and bug fix release. See the change log for the complete list of changes.


2 years ago

This is a major release which comes with new features, improvements and bugfixes. The main reason for bumping the major version is that we are following SemVer and introduced non-backwards compatible changes to some APIs and the source code of the Importer/Exporter.

Notable new features and additions

  • Added Docker files to build your own images for the Importer/Exporter command-line interface. Pre-built Docker images are available from Docker Hub at #209
  • Added an import list filter to the import operation for both the GUI and the CLI that allows a user to provide a CSV file containing identifiers of features that shall be imported or skipped. #202
  • Enhanced feature version filter to support searching for terminated features. #192, #185
  • Added a Plugins section to the preferences tab of the Importer/Exporter GUI that lists all installed and available plugins and lets a user dynamically enable and disable plugins. #194
  • Added the FeatureImportExtension plugin extension that lets you hook your code into the import operation. #195
  • MetadataProvider is now a plugin extension in its own right and can be used without FeatureExportExtension.
  • Affine transformations are now also available for the CityGML/CityJSON export operation. #196
  • Added support for importing gml:MultiGeometry objects in case they only contain points or curves.
  • Added support for providing database connection details via environment variables when running the Importer/Exporter on the command line. #212
  • CityJSON output now uses the latest CityJSON version 1.0.3.

Please note that starting from this release, the installer of the Importer/Exporter is no longer provided here but can be downloaded from the 3dcitydb-suite repository. Click here to get the installer for this release.

See the change log for the complete list of changes.