Infinite Zoom Automatic1111 Webui Versions Save

infinite zoom effect extension for AUTOMATIC1111's webui - stable diffusion


1 year ago

Update Log - InFinite ZOOM v1.2 (Release Date: May 2, 2023)

  • Added common prompt prefix and suffix for better user experience.
  • Improved frame correction and enhancement with mask_blur and non-inpainting models.
  • All main frames will be shown as a gallery view in output.
  • Updated default parameter values.
  • Fixed bugs related to prompts import.
  • Made improvements to UI parameter Names and Frame problem (It's gone).
  • Refactored code for better maintenance.

What's Changed (internally)

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

Infinite Zoom 1.0

Endless Dreams simply from your prompts.

Works with

  • SD-WebUI Automatic1111
  • Vladimandic 1111 (a promising fork)


Settings Tab

  • Pre-define default widht/height to start you setup with
  • Pre-define default Prompt-Table-Content using the json code window
  • Define which model to use for txt2img (start image) and which for inpainting (interpolation images)

Prompt Tab

  • Rectangular ratio possible 16-2048 px
  • Select your favorite Sampler
  • Smaller Numbers Column, more space for prompt text
  • Prompt-Table buttons for Clearing, Im/Export (Json)-Promptfile
  • JSONSchema validation of prompt-files (see scripts folder inside extension folder)
  • Batch-Count, create several movies, multiple runs.

Post-Process Tab

  • UPSCALE. Bigger is better. Select your upscaler, factor and enable it.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: