Inkjs Versions Save

A javascript port of inkle's ink scripting language.


4 years ago
  • Fixes #425 thanks to @RokasVaitkevicius (impossible to set a variable to an empty string)
  • Added type informations (#335), thanks to @Hammster


5 years ago

This new releases fixes a problem with the legacy-browser version of inkjs — which is not the default version. People manually importing the dist/ink.js file were affected by this.

Thanks to @ephread for the fix!


5 years ago

This version fixes a bug with VariableObservers not working (presumably introduced around v1.9). Thanks to @michael-badrobotgames for the fix!


5 years ago

This release matches ink v0.8.3. Thanks to @ephread and @furkle for their contributions!


5 years ago

This version contains 2 bug fixes (invisible choices loosing their callstack and #262), and we are now exposing typescript definitions.

Thanks to @ephread, @joningold and @joethephish for their contributions on the last changes 🎉


5 years ago

Version 1.8.0 brings two big changes:

  • Compatibility with the latest ink v0.8.2.
  • An under-the-hood rewrite in typescript — the API is unchanged, but some previously unidentified bugs have been corrected in the process.

Thanks to @NQNStudios, @joningold and @joethephish for their contributions and especially @ephread for spearheading the conversion to typescript effort!


5 years ago

This version should support ink v0.8.2.


5 years ago

This is the first test release with the new typescript codebase. If everything goes according to plan, it should work just as 1.7.2 minus a few bugs.


5 years ago

Changes in this version:

  • Better number detection, thanks to @NQNStudios
  • Several line break handling errors were fixed (see #200)
  • Avoiding a really big slowdown at the start-up (see #211), thanks to @joethephish for these fixes

Version 1.7.2 is also (probably) the last version before we switch to typescript — although if everything goes well, that shouldn't have any effect at all.


5 years ago

This version fixes two minor bugs:

  • The .babelrc file was accidentally shipped on npm, causing potential problems while not being necessary at all.
  • When evaluating an ink function from javascript, the output that came before the call was swallowed.