Inkjs Versions Save

A javascript port of inkle's ink scripting language.


5 years ago

The predominant change in this version is the compatibility with ink v0.8.1. This was a lot of work and most of it was done by @ephread — thanks! Everything should be working just fine but if you notice something strange, please let us know.

This version also includes a number of smaller changes:

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to this release, and happy inking!


5 years ago

Just a test release.


7 years ago

This version matches ink 0.7.4 but also contains the changes from ink 0.7.3 and 0.7.2.

Aside from that there were some ink.js specific bug fixes:

  • #68 corrects the returningtype of some operations
  • #70 corrects a runtime crash when a tag is empty

The first bug and most of the code updates were contributions from @joningold, thanks again!


7 years ago

This version matches ink 0.7.1. Part of the update work was done by @joningold (#52 / #53 and #56).

There are also a few bugs that were addressed:

  • Visit counts not incrementing properly (#54 & #55)
  • A possible engine crash (#60)
  • A bug with lists management (#59)
  • Babel complaining (#58)

This last one was fixed by our newest contributor, @erbridge ! Thank you, and thanks to @joningold as usual :+1:


7 years ago

Version 1.5.1 is courtesy of @joningold and fixes 2 bugs:

  • #53 fixes a bug with external function evaluations
  • #55 fixes a bug with visit counts


7 years ago

This release matches version 0.7.0 of ink and adds support for lists!


7 years ago

Version 1.4.6 contains a fix (#48) for a bug with visit and turn counts. Thanks @joningold for the report and patch!


7 years ago

Version 1.4.5 fixes a bug with the non-es2015 versions missing babel helpers (#47).


7 years ago
  • This release matches ink version 0.6.4.
  • It also contains a fix for knot names starting with numbers (#46, reported here originally). Thanks @heyuser for the report!
  • Lastly, starting with this version, a minified es2015 version is available. If you only target recent-ish browsers and care about performance, grab the ink-es2015.min.js version for full use of es2015 features at only half the weight of the original!


7 years ago

Matches ink version 0.6.3 and includes a fix regarding divisions with ints (#39).