Inkjs Versions Save

A javascript port of inkle's ink scripting language.


7 years ago

Matches ink version 0.6.2 and fixes #38 !


7 years ago

This version contains several bugfixes:

  • Crashes when evaluating expressions (#35, thanks @joningold )
  • A bug wit tunnels (#34, thanks @joningold )
  • A bug when the story starts with a glue (#36)


7 years ago


7 years ago

This update matches ink 0.6.0 (tags!), and fixes the FunctionExists and EvaluateFunction functions.


7 years ago

This release matches ink 0.5.1 plus a few other things:

  • fixed a bug when comparing pathes (#22, thanks @Glidias for the report)
  • a better way to seed the PRNG for shuffles (#24, thanks again to @Glidias for noticing)
  • fixed a crash related to external functions (#26, thanks to @mwchase this time)
  • a more robust way to cast strings (#27, thanks @mwchase again)

The new functions EvaluateFunction and FunctionExists are in the code but are not working at the moment, and will require a bit more time. I'll publish an update when I get around fixing them.

Lastly, the js files are now distributed in a hopefully simpler way for everyone.

  • ink.min.js has full browser support and should be the go to option.
  • ink.js is the same but unminified.
  • ink-es2015.js is the es2015 version with no overhead. If you target browsers with basic ES2015 support (mainly classes and arrow functions), you can use that version.


7 years ago

Fixes a bug with variable observing (#21), thanks to @LarskeM for the report!


7 years ago

This includes bugfix #20 by @joningold, thanks!


7 years ago

Matches the changes from ink 0.4.1


7 years ago
  • inkjs should now be supported in browsers that don't support es2015 features
  • the compiled files are now minified, making them significantly smaller
  • two bug fixes regarding turns and visit counts
  • inklecate is now shipped with the node version


8 years ago
  • Fixes a bug where the output order was reversed (#17) — reported by @pineapplemachine, thanks!
  • Fixes a typo affecting shuffled sequences (#15) — fixed by @pineapplemachine, thanks again!
  • Fixes a crash in environments where the Proxy class is not available