Instantsearch.js Versions Save

⚡️ Libraries for building performant and instant search and recommend experiences with Algolia. Compatible with JavaScript, TypeScript, React and Vue.

[email protected]

1 day ago

7.12.0 (2024-07-02)


  • infinite-hits: add top banner to InfiniteHits widget (#6243) (9287532)

[email protected]

1 day ago

[email protected]

1 day ago

0.3.5 (2024-07-02)

Note: Version bump only for package react-instantsearch-nextjs

[email protected]

1 day ago

4.18.0 (2024-07-02)


  • infinite-hits: add top banner to InfiniteHits widget (#6243) (9287532)

[email protected]

1 day ago

[email protected]

1 day ago

4.73.0 (2024-07-02)

Bug Fixes

  • algoliasearch: v5 does not default threshold to 0 (#6251) (762e633)
  • pagination: any page outside the range is also first or last (#6252) (7cbaf53)
  • RawHtml: force component to remount (#6254) (b7d8f04)


  • infinite-hits: add top banner to InfiniteHits widget (#6243) (9287532)

[email protected]

1 day ago

8.3.0 (2024-07-02)


  • infinite-hits: add top banner to InfiniteHits widget (#6243) (9287532)

[email protected]

1 day ago

7.5.11 (2024-07-02)

Note: Version bump only for package create-instantsearch-app

[email protected]

1 day ago

3.22.2 (2024-07-02)

Bug Fixes

  • algoliasearch: v5 does not default threshold to 0 (#6251) (762e633)

[email protected]

1 week ago

7.11.4 (2024-06-25)

Bug Fixes

  • typescript: compile definitions using latest version of TypeScript (54978fec1)