Intercept Versions Save

A C/C++ Binding Library for SQF and RV Engine Access Abstraction Layer


5 years ago



5 years ago

Arma v1.86 hotfix.

There are more changes since 592. Changelog is to be written someday.


6 years ago

Build with Windows x64 and Linux x86 (server) support. Targeting Arma 3 v1.76 (Laws Of War/Orange DLC). is currently required on Linux, place it next to the server executable.

Change Log Summary


  • invoker_lock::unlock
  • INTERCEPT_SQF_STRTYPE_RSTRING #ifdef and CMake setting (
  • game_value::type_enum() which returns the type as enum.
  • r_string compare_case_insensitive() and empty() and size() .
  • r_string operator!= , operator< , operator+ , append, to_lower, begin(), end(), front()
  • game_value::is_null() which should work just like SQF isNull
  • client::generate_custom_callback() which generates a small SQF script that calls directly into a passed lambda function.
  • post_start EH (XEH_preStart) because you can't setVariable to uiNamespace at preStart.
  • Vector magnitude_squared function
  • auto_array range erase function. You can now use Array.erase(std::unique(Array.begin(), Array.end()), Array.end()); which is the Intercept equivalent of SQF's Array arrayIntersect Array.
  • Lots of Doxygen documentation in code.


  • Used new rv_turret_path type and use it instead of the varying types used to represent turret paths (Plugin breaking if you use Event Handlers or Functions with turret paths.)
  • Changed get_unit_loadout to return raw game_value.


  • Wrong implementation of HitPart Event Handler arguments.

Known Issues

  • Log will be outputted to console on Linux.
  • get_pbo_files_list is disabled.


6 years ago

Build with Windows x64 and Linux x86 (server) support. Targeting Arma 3 v1.76 (Laws Of War/Orange DLC). is currently required on Linux, place it next to the server executable.

Change Log Summary


  • Event handler overhaul
  • Serialization class
  • Cross-Plugin Communication
  • sqf::compile_final
  • sqf::is_nil STRING
  • sqf::is_nil_code
  • sqf::str
  • setVariable Object with public parameter
  • game_value_static
  • get_pbo_files_list functionality (broken)
  • sqf::compile_final
  • distance_2d and distance_squared vector functions
  • UTF-8 plugin name support
  • Code-signed Plugin verification
  • Exceptions for invalid type conversions (game_value to array)
  • Broadcast version of setVariable on namespaces


  • Replaced _sv by sv (_sv is now deprecated)
  • Made some game_data methods accessible


  • game_value string conversion now automatically uses to_string


  • Cannot sqf::call before pre-init

Known Issues

  • Log will be spammed to console on Linux.
  • get_pbo_files_list is broken


7 years ago

Build with Windows x64 and Linux x86 (server) support, targeting Arma 3 v1.70. 100% of wrappers are completed as of this pre-release. is currently required on Linux, place it next to the server executable. Log will be spammed to console on Linux.


8 years ago

This is the finalized folder structure and architecture for the Intercept library. Approx. 78% of wrappers are completed as of this pre-release.