Iprak Yahoofinance Versions Save

Home Assistant component which allows you to get stock updates from Yahoo finance.


3 weeks ago

Optionally allow symbol to be used as unit_of_measurement via a new setting show_currency_symbol_as_unit at integration level.

You will need to address STATISTICS errors after the restart (see Readme).


1 month ago

Added forwardPE (Forward Price-to-Earnings) and trailingPE (Trailing Price-To-Earnings) attributes.


1 month ago
  • Market times are now in ISO Date Time format & AUD currency has been added #130


2 months ago

Improve mechanism for request crumb/cookies. A different set of headers is used to avoid "Header value is too long" error (https://github.com/iprak/yahoofinance/issues/121).


3 months ago

Trying a different user-agent to avoid Header Value too Long error (https://github.com/iprak/yahoofinance/issues/121).


4 months ago
  • If we failed to get crumb at startup, then a retry will be done after 15 seconds.
  • The integration level scan_interval will now be correctly used if there is no override defined at symbol level. Previously, one could define a 0 value scan_interval for manually invoking updates. To accomplish that, one would need to define the scan_interval as manual.


5 months ago

This release include support for no_unit setting to suppress unit_of_measurement on a symbol.


6 months ago

This release takes another approach to bypassing GDPR page. Instead of parsing crumb out of the response, a separate request is made to an alternate end point.


1 year ago

This release includes

  • Processing of consent page when determining crumb/cookie #96, #93. This issue should have been only happening in EU region where consent is required.
  • In case crumb parsing fails, the content is also now saved into YahooFinanceCrumbContent.log in config folder.
  • Inclusion of 52-week attributes (#100).


1 year ago

Added crumb/cookie usage to handle data access issues https://github.com/iprak/yahoofinance/issues/93.

The crumb itself is obtained by accessing quote for Nasdaq and parsing out of the content. Not a great approach but I couldn't come up with a quicker/reliable solution.

The crumb will be obtained again if data request fails with "Unauthorized" error code. If data retrieval failed then coordinator will attempt another retrieval in 20 seconds which will include crumb retrieval. In worse case scenario, this can keep on going and so there should be some throttling. But I haven't personally ran into it and this approach seems fine for now.