Iview Versions Save

A high quality UI Toolkit built on Vue.js 2.0


4 years ago

Fix input style issues when both clearable and search are enabled #6338 Fix Calendar component daylight saving time bug and time zone bug #6296 Fix Submenu's typeScript bug #6232 Fix the bug that Select enters the search multi-select mode and deletes it by mistake #5213 Fix Select enters filter mode and deletes filter conditions cannot return full data #5216 Fix Select cannot enter the filter mode to filter the data with escape characters #6349 Fix Split does not split properly #6323 Fix bug with Form validation in Table #6321

Added marker property of Slider Added Select component custom drop-down content #5327

修复 input同时开启clearable和search出现的样式问题 #6338 修复 日历组件夏令时Bug及时区Bug #6296 修复 Submenu 的 typeScript的bug #6232 修复 Select进入搜索多选模式存在误删Bug #5213 修复 Select进入过滤模式删除过滤条件不能回复全量数据 #5216 修复 Select进入过滤模式不能过滤带转义符号值的数据 #6349 修复 Split不能正确分割 #6323 修复 在Table中使用Form验证的bug #6321

新增 Slider的marker属性 新增 Select组件自定义下拉内容#5327


4 years ago
  • Fixed DatePicker #6296
  • Cascader Click icon to expand

  • 修复DatePicker组件问题 #6296
  • Cascader 组件增加点击 icon 展开


4 years ago
  • fixed progress set text-inside not hide out html
  • fixed Carousel click event not not triggered. #6230
  • fixed Carousel content CarouselItem overlap #6076
  • fixed Collapse not open panel #6194
  • fixed Collapse not disappear on-change #6329
  • fixed Nested style in Split component will cause error #6281
  • Fixed a bug in autocomplete component when iview is not installed globally. #6286
  • improve form type #6292
  • Fixed tabs nested abnormal #6279
  • Fixed Modal confirm 'close' button event question #6305
  • Fixed select seach matching label
  • Fixed select remote default value disappear #5748
  • Fixed select multiple the reset value did not disappear #6301
  • Add select add on-select API
  • Fixed AutoComplete select drop-down in some cases does not trigger on-select event issues #4441
  • Fixed DatePicker API setMonth question #6129
  • Fixed Tree disabled checkbox set selectd question #6121
  • optimize Affix components

  • 修复 progress 组件 设置属性 text-inside 显示问题
  • 修复 Carousel 组件 点击事件失效问题 #6230
  • 修复 Carousel 内的 CarouselItem 样式重叠问题 #6076
  • 修复 Carousel 异步不能打开panel #6194
  • 修复 Carousel 点击不触发on-change问题 #6329
  • 修复 分拆组件中的嵌套样式将导致错误 #6281
  • 修复 iview没有全局安装时自动完成组件的错误 #6286
  • 优化 typeScirpt 类型支持 #6292
  • 修复 tabs 嵌套的问题 #6279
  • 修复 Modal confirm 关闭按钮事件问题 #6305
  • 修复 select 搜索功能改成只匹配label
  • 修复 select 远程搜索有默认值的情况下点击后会值消失问题 #5748
  • 修复 select multiple 值的重置问题 #6301
  • 增加 select 组件增加 on-select 接口
  • 修复 AutoComplete 选中下拉某些情况下不触发 on-select 事件问题 #4441
  • 修复 DatePicker API setMonth 问题 #6129
  • 修复 Tree checkbox 的属性disabled,也能被设置选中问题 #6121
  • 优化 Affix 组件


4 years ago

Fixed Modal Setting drag-and-drop custom size problem #6039 Fixed Select backspce delete problem on Chrome Browser in Low Edition #6256 Fixed InputNumber setting maximum and minimum values cannot enter other values #6245 Fix use Page component in Dropdown #6184 Fixed can not select problem in Cascader #6158 Fixed Delete key deletion in Chinese input method in Select #6082 Fixed Dropdown disabled the event in disabled status #6135 Fixed AutoComplete cannot clear value in disabled #6161 Fixed CheckBoxGroup Component Multilayer Nesting Problem #6209 Fixed Tree Expansion Icon Display of Menu under Asynchronous Loading of Components #6139 Fixed Tabs and Table Joint use of switching tabs by components causes Table to fail to get its normal width #6255 Fixed Cascader setting filter conditions cannot perform the selected function #6255 Optimization Upgrade Form Validation Component Base Library async-validator(1.12.2) #6263 Optimization InputNumber The Problem of Cursor Location in Component Setting Precsion Attribute Optimization Steps Problems with display of other background colors Optimization update v-click-outside-x to resolve autoComplete not to close New Progress props text-inside New Progress props strokeColor support array New Switch props beforeChange,true-colo and false-color

修复 Modal 设置拖拽自定义尺寸问题 #6039 修复 Select 在低版本chrome浏览器 backspce回退键删除错误 #6256 修复 InputNumber 设置最大值和最小值无法输入其他值 #6245 修复 Dropdown中使用Page组件 #6184 修复 Cascader异步数据不能选中问题 #6158 修复 Select 多选框已选中的Item 在中文输入法使用Delete键删除问题 #6082 修复 Dropdown 禁止DropItem的disabled传递事件 #6135 修复 AutoComplete 组件在disabled状态下不能清楚 #6161 修复 CheckBoxGroup 组件多层嵌套问题 #6209 修复 Tree 组件异步加载时菜单的展开图标展示问题 #6139 修复 Tabs和Table组件联合使用切换tab导致Table不能获取正常宽度 #6255 修复 scader 组件设置过滤条件不能执行选中功能

优化 升级Form验证组件基础库async-validator(1.12.2) 优化 InputNumber组件设置precision属性时光标定位问题 优化 Steps组件在其他背景色显示的问题 优化 升级依赖组件v-click-outside-x解决utoCompleteA不能关闭问题 新增 Progress props属性text-inside 新增 Progress props属性strokeColor支持数组 新增 Switch props属性beforeChange,true-color和false-color


5 years ago
  • Fixed Select remote search, calling the setQuery method sometimes fails to reset the search query. #5620
  • Fixed the problem that Modal sometimes closes incorrectly. #5800
  • Fixed Table when the tooltip is turned on, the cell content is not centered. #5472
  • Fixed an issue that TS can't be used on demand. #5740
  • When the multiple options of Table are disabled, the Checked All button is also disabled. #5230
  • The autocomplete property of Input removes the restriction. #5616

  • 修复 Select 远程搜索,调用清空方法有时不能重置搜索词的问题。 #5620
  • 修复 Modal 有时会误关闭的问题。 #5800
  • 修复 Table 开启 Tooltip 时,单元格内容没有居中的问题。 #5472
  • 修复 TS 不能按需使用的问题。 #5740
  • Table 的多选项都禁用时,也禁用全选按钮。 #5230
  • Input 的 autocomplete 属性移除限制。 #5616


5 years ago
  • Fixed Grid setting responsive offset sometimes error. #2769
  • Fixed 3.4.0 version, InputNumber set active-change to false when out of focus does not change the data. #5645
  • Fixed some issues with TS. #5673

  • 修复 Grid 设置响应式 offset 有时出错的问题。 #2769
  • 修复 3.4.0 版本下,InputNumber 设置 active-change 为 false 时失焦不更改数据的问题。 #5645
  • 修复 TS 的一些问题。 #5673


5 years ago
  • A lot of global options has been added. #5592 View
  • Select adds new property and slot prefix. #5477
  • Select adds new properties max-tag-count and max-tag-placeholder. #5568
  • Table adds new property max-height. #4207
  • Table adds new property row-key, and optimize performance. #5380
  • Poptip adds new property disabled. #5520
  • Slider adds new property active-change. #5583
  • Input adds new event @on-clear. #5527
  • Button, Cell, MenuItem, BreadcrumbItem add new property append, same as vue-router append API. #5341
  • The font file has a .woff2 format and is preferred. #5560
  • DatePicker adds new event @on-clickoutside.
  • Dropdown adds new property stop-propagation. #5489
  • LoadingBar adds new property duration. #5485
  • Optimize the display of the link and the opening behavior of the new window when components such as Button use the to property. #5341 #5378
  • Optimize the Cascader style. #5455
  • Optimize the closing experience of Select and DatePicker on the mobile. #5160
  • Optimize the experience of the Menu initialization. https://github.com/iview/iview/commit/e098ce3f8a4175f24b2610c5a35f67bae7fa5120
  • Optimize the experience of Collapse initialization. https://github.com/iview/iview/commit/bbc315815777cca3469d3c021b5dcae5aa0fd5f7
  • $Modal The onCancel function is also executed when the close button is clicked or closed with the ESC key. #5452
  • Cascader displays an empty prompt when data is empty. #5514
  • Fixed an issue where $Notice was invalidated in Vue.js 2.6.9 and above. #5485
  • Fixed an issue where Tree was animated incorrectly in Vue.js 2.6.9 and above. https://github.com/iview/iview/commit/37f4b7a8795d2b4cda4cce746b62cc8dd40b4cb0
  • Fixed and issues that Select In the disabled mode, the drop-down arrow icon disappears. #5561
  • Fixed an issue where sorting sometimes went wrong when Table was fixed. #5580
  • Fixed an issue where the Slider repeatedly fired the @on-change event when using InputNumber. #5577
  • Fixed an issue where Drawer width dynamic settings did not take effect. #5594
  • Fixed some issues with TS. #5508 #5578
  • Adds TSLint. #5461

  • 新增大量全局配置。 #5592 查看
  • Select 新增属性及插槽 prefix。 #5477
  • Select 新增属性 max-tag-countmax-tag-placeholder。 #5568
  • Table 新增属性 max-height。 #4207
  • Table 新增属性 row-key,并优化性能。 #5380
  • Poptip 新增属性 disabled。 #5520
  • Slider 新增属性 active-change。 #5583
  • Input 新增事件 @on-clear。 #5527
  • Button、Cell、MenuItem、BreadcrumbItem 新增 append 属性,同 vue-router 的 append API。 #5341
  • 字体文件新增 .woff2 格式并优先使用。 #5560
  • DatePicker 新增事件 @on-clickoutside
  • Dropdown 新增属性 stop-propagation。 #5489
  • LoadingBar 新增属性 duration。 #5485
  • 优化 Button 等组件使用 to 属性时,对链接的显示及新窗口打开行为。 #5341 #5378
  • 优化 Cascader 样式。 #5455
  • 优化 Select、DatePicker 在移动端的关闭体验。 #5160
  • 优化 Menu 初始化时的表现。 https://github.com/iview/iview/commit/e098ce3f8a4175f24b2610c5a35f67bae7fa5120
  • 优化 Collapse 初始化时的表现。 https://github.com/iview/iview/commit/bbc315815777cca3469d3c021b5dcae5aa0fd5f7
  • $Modal 点击关闭按钮或使用 ESC 键关闭时,也会执行 onCancel 函数。 #5452
  • Cascader 在 data 为空时,显示空提示。 #5514
  • 修复 $Notice 在 Vue.js 2.6.9 以上版本动画失效的问题。 #5485
  • 修复 Tree 在 Vue.js 2.6.9 以上版本动画错误的问题。 https://github.com/iview/iview/commit/37f4b7a8795d2b4cda4cce746b62cc8dd40b4cb0
  • 修复 Select 在 disabled 模式下,下拉箭头图标消失的问题。 #5561
  • 修复 Table 在固定列时,排序有时出错的问题。 #5580
  • 修复 Slider 使用 InputNumber 时重复触发 @on-change 事件的问题。 #5577
  • 修复 Drawer width 动态设置不生效的问题。 #5594
  • 修复 TS 的一些问题。 #5508 #5578
  • 添加 TSLint。 #5461


5 years ago
  • Fixed typo.


5 years ago


5 years ago
  • Tabs adds new property name, TabPane adds new property tab. If you want to nest Tabs above version 3.3.0, you need to set the name for Tabs and set the tab to the corresponding child TabPane to point to the name of Tabs. view example #5377
  • TabPane adds new property index. When TabPane uses v-if, it does not render in the order in which it is. You can set index property to sort from small to large (note: TabPane does not support v-show). view example #5401
  • Fix Grid's new xl, xxl breakpoints in version 3.3.0 sometimes fail to work properly. #5393
  • Added number and tel to the type property of Input. #5381 #5422
  • Fixed an issue where the draggable property was not valid when Drawer closed the mask layer.
  • Fixed an issue where FormItem set the error property to be invalid. #5352
  • Fixed an issue where Affix was not scrolling when it was initialized. #5440
  • Fixed some issues with TS. #5406

  • Tabs 新增属性 name,TabPane 新增属性 tab,如果要在 3.3.0 版本以上嵌套使用 Tabs,需要给 Tabs 设置 name,并给对应的子 TabPane 设置 tab 指向 Tabs 的 name。查看示例 #5377
  • TabPane 新增属性 index,当 TabPane 使用 v-if 时,并不会按照预先的顺序渲染,这时可设置 index,并从小到大排序(注意:TabPane 不支持 v-show)。 查看示例 #5401
  • 修复 Grid 在 3.3.0 版本新增的 xl、xxl 断点有时无法正常使用的问题。 #5393
  • Input 的 type 属性新增 numbertel。 #5381 #5422
  • 修复 Drawer 关闭遮罩层时,使用 draggable 属性无效的问题。
  • 修复 FormItem 设置 error 属性无效的问题。 #5352
  • 修复 Affix 初始化时未滚动的问题。 #5440
  • 修复 TS 的一些问题。 #5406