Jackyzha0 Quartz Versions Save

🌱 a fast, batteries-included static-site generator that transforms Markdown content into fully functional websites


10 months ago

Another year, another Quartz major version. Introducing the long awaited v4 release of Quartz! As always, I'm really grateful to the Quartz community and my GitHub sponsors for the continued support. It's been a great two years and I can't wait to see what else lies ahead :)

Screenshot 2023-08-20 at 4 11 01 PM

Documentation: https://quartz.jzhao.xyz/


I wasn’t happy with how difficult Quartz 3 was to setup -- especially for non-developers -- so I set out to make something easy to use enough for non-technical people to get going but also powerful enough that senior developers can tweak it to work how they’d like it to work.

Quartz 4 basically scraps all of the code and starts from scratch. Instead of Hugo, it now uses Node.js under the hood which JSX support which should lead to a much more helpful error messages and an overall smoother user experience.

If you're interested, you can read more about the architecture changes in the documentation

Major Changes

  • Support for all three types of Obsidian link resolution strategies: shortest, absolute, and relative
  • Comprehensive and type-safe configuration
  • Easily customizable layout
  • 3-column layout on large screens for more efficient use of screen space
  • Better graph view with a button for global graph
  • Popovers now have 'rich content' which displays formatting, images, and links properly. It also allows you to scroll and links to headings will scroll to the heading in the popover
  • Improved callout styling
  • Squashed many bugs with Markdown parsing of Obsidian-flavored Markdown with Latex and Codeblocks
  • Optional MathJax support
  • ...and much more

something something hockey stick growth image


1 year ago

Another 4 months, another Quartz release! It constantly blows me away that people consistently find Quartz useful to whatever they are working on. Some use it for taking notes in university lectures, tracking D&D campaigns, writing chemistry papers, and publishing novel research on tools for thought.


Major Features

New Features

Bug Fixes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz/compare/v3.2...v3.3

If Quartz is useful to you, consider sponsoring me on Github Sponsors!


2 years ago

So many new features added this time around that I am almost tempted to do a full major release :))

I am constantly blown away by how steadily the Quartz community grows, it is so cool to see people from around the world using and contributing to a little hobby project. To think that some people use Quartz to teach their classes, write notes for their PhD thesis, and organize their day-to-day knowledge just continues to astound me.

In any case, I just want y'all to know I appreciate you :) If Quartz is useful to you, consider sponsoring me on Github Sponsors so that one day I can just work on projects like this full-time. Enough of the sappy talk, let's get to the actual changes! 🚀

Major Features

  • Wikilink Support!!!! (c117e38899a7e122fb4dee87f5d091e654e0939f)
  • CJK + RTL Support (4fd983277e36e323675e2d77048fb3daaa016dc6, 4587b133600ac59e38d1fccc7c7dba9f2c8f4af5)
  • Latex Support (cc86136bcb4cc61219a8ee7573e792e6a6043dcd)
  • Performance Improvements (fcd5d2807d2bab68c6776e031e85d65fe88a6f7a, https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz/pull/62)

What's Changed

  • RTL Support (4587b133600ac59e38d1fccc7c7dba9f2c8f4af5)
  • Images no longer need to be root prefixed (54a68e6e5c020fa1e4eacf7942eb37974f332887)
  • Fix: None-unicode characters in popover and search not showing up (1ddd15afc6e69202080ffb91e8d82deb653a80b7)
  • Grey out broken internal links instead of 404-ing (c51573efa98de6b5b5e79fb60b49f31daca70527)
  • Latex Support (cc86136bcb4cc61219a8ee7573e792e6a6043dcd)
  • CJK Support (4fd983277e36e323675e2d77048fb3daaa016dc6)
  • Added Wikilink support (c117e38899a7e122fb4dee87f5d091e654e0939f)
  • Updated Hugo version from v0.82 to v0.92.2 (14c6181d240e69f48f6a2548136613b2b0739720)
  • Quartz bundle size improvements by removing duplicate fetches and no longer embedding contentIndex within the page (https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz/pull/62)
  • Added a disableToc on each page to disable Table of Contents (https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz/pull/48)
  • Various styling fixes (https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz/pull/83, https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz/pull/82, https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz/pull/65, 907270992d7718f26d0a401ab700c6a0a414b440)

Community Contributions

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/jackyzha0/quartz/compare/v3...v3.2


2 years ago

It has been a good half of a year since Quartz was first released into the public domain! Of course, when I first released Quartz, I had only intended it to be a nice place for people to do the most basic Obsidian vault hosting through it. As a project, it has evolved with its users (myself included) to include a much broader ranger of functionality. I think a major release is in order :))

Many thanks to community members @SlRvb, @juaoose, and @bur3ku, and @brechtcs for their contributions to Quartz <3


  • Added Link previews (shows a short preview of each page when hovering on an internal link): 4a3c4fdef550547aa80947ebaff1bda44b943d4d
  • Added Full Text Search: 1c851271ea38826cd7a0d027b25bd12452e979fe
  • Fixed various bugs affecting pages with spaces, capitalization, punctuation, and non-Unicode characters
  • Various styling improvements and fixes
  • Added displaying 'Last Modified' information to each page
  • Added ability to tag content