Jasyncapi Versions Save

/jay-sync-api/ is a Java code-first tool for AsyncAPI specification


1 month ago


  • AsyncAPI 2.6.0 message parses Avro, Json and OpenAPI schemas


  • Bindings were updated:
    • AMQP: 0.1.0, 0.2.0, 0.3.0
    • AMQP1: 0.1.0
    • Anypoint MQ: 0.1.0
    • Google Cloud Pub/Sub: 0.1.0, 0.2.0
    • HTTP: 0.1.0, 0.2.0, 0.3.0, 0.4.0, 0.5.0
    • IBM MQ: 0.1.0
    • JMS: 0.0.1
    • Apache Kafka: 0.1.0, 0.3.0, 0.4.0, 0.5.0
    • Mercure: 0.1.0
    • MQTT: 0.1.0, 0.2.0
    • MQTT 5: 0.1.0, 0.2.0
    • NATS: 0.1.0
    • Apache Pulsar: 0.1.0
    • Redis: 0.1.0
    • Amazon SNS: 0.1.0
    • Solace: 0.1.0, 0.2.0, 0.3.0, 0.4.0
    • Amazon SQS: 0.1.0, 0.2.0
    • STOMP: 0.1.0
    • WebSockets: 0.1.0
  • All schemas now are located in schemas package
  • All bindings now are located in bindings package
  • Bindings structure was changed. Each binding now holds channel, server, message, operation inside package
  • Bindings now are common for v2 and v3 versions


2 months ago


  • OpenAPI Schema: 3.0.0, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3
  • Avro Schema: 1.9.0, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.10.0, 1.10.1, 1.10.2, 1.11.0, 1.11.1
  • JsonSchema: Draft-07


  • MultiFormatSchema can hold AsyncAPI, OpenAPI, Avro and Json Schemas
  • Schema was divided to AsyncAPISchema and JsonSchema





3 months ago

Kudos to:


  • AsyncAPI 3.0.0


  • Reference was moved from com.asyncapi.v2._6_0.model to com.asyncapi.v2
  • 2.0.0:
    • Schema.multipleOf type was changed to Number
  • 2.6.0:
    • Specification:
      • AsyncAPI.servers now can hold server objects and references
      • AsyncAPI.info now has default value - empty Info object
      • AsyncAPI.channels now has default value - empty map
      • Info.title now has default value - empty string
      • Info.version now has default value - empty string
      • License.name now has default value - empty string
      • Server.url now has default value - empty string
      • Server.protocol now has default value - empty string
      • Tag.name now has default value - empty string
      • CorrelationId.location now has default value - empty string
      • OneOfMessages.oneOf now has default value - empty list
    • Bindings:
      • AMQP:
        • AMQPChannelBinding.is now is required and type was changed from string to AMQPChannelType enum and has default value - routingKey
        • AMQP ExchangeProperties was extracted and renamed to AMQPChannelExchangeProperties
        • AMQP QueueProperties was extracted and renamed to AMQPChannelQueueProperties
      • Anypoint MQ:
        • AnypointMQChannelBinding.destinationType was changed from string to AnypointMQChannelDestinationType with next default value - queue
      • Google Pub/Sub:
        • channels:
          • GooglePubSubChannelBinding.topic now has default value - empty string
          • GooglePubSubChannelBinding.messageStoragePolicy was extracted and renamed to GooglePubSubChannelMessageStoragePolicy
          • GooglePubSubChannelBinding.schemaSettings was extracted and renamed to GooglePubSubChannelSchemaSettings
          • GooglePubSubChannelBinding.schemaSettings now has default value - GooglePubSubChannelSchemaSettings()
        • messages:
          • GooglePubSubMessageBinding.schema was extracted and renamed to GooglePubSubMessageSchemaDefinition
      • IBM MQ:
        • channels:
          • IBMMQChannelBinding.destinationType type was changed to IBMMQChannelDestinationType
          • IBMMQChannelBinding.destinationType now has default value - topic
          • IBMMQChannelBinding.queue was extracted and renamed to IBMMQChannelQueueProperties
          • IBMMQChannelBinding.topic was extracted and renamed to IBMMQChannelTopicProperties
          • IBMMQChannelBinding.topic was extracted and renamed to IBMMQChannelTopicProperties
        • messages:
          • IBMMQMessageBinding.type type was changed to IBMMQMessageType
          • IBMMQMessageBinding.type now has default value - string
          • IBMMQMessageBinding.expiry now has default value - 0
      • Kafka:
        • channels:
          • KafkaChannelBinding.topicConfiguration was extracted and renamed to KafkaChannelTopicConfiguration
        • messages:
          • KafkaMessageBinding.key type was changed to Schema
          • KafkaMessageBinding.schemaIdLocation type was changed to KafkaMessageSchemaIdLocation
        • operations:
          • KafkaOperationBinding.groupId type was changed to Schema
          • KafkaOperationBinding.clientId type was changed to Schema
      • Pulsar:
        • PulsarChannelBinding.namespace now has default value - empty string
        • PulsarChannelBinding.persistence type was changed to PulsarChannelPersistence
        • PulsarChannelBinding.persistence now has default value - persistent
        • PulsarChannelBinding.retention was extracted and renamed to PulsarChannelRetentionDefinition
      • WebSocket:
        • WebSocketsChannelBinding.method type was changed to WebSocketsChannelMethod
        • WebSocketsChannelBinding.query type was changed to Schema
        • WebSocketsChannelBinding.headers type was changed to Schema
      • Anypoint MQ:
        • AnypointMQMessageBinding.headers type was changed to Schema
      • HTTP:
        • messages:
          • HTTPMessageBinding.headers type was changed to Schema
        • operations:
          • HTTPOperationBinding.type type was changed to HTTPOperationType
          • HTTPOperationBinding.type now has default value - request
          • HTTPOperationBinding.method type was changed to HTTPOperationMethod
          • HTTPOperationBinding.query type was changed to Schema
      • Solace:
        • operations:
          • SolaceOperationBinding.destinations type was changed to List<SolaceOperationDestination>
          • SolaceDestination was extracted end renamed to SolaceOperationDestination
          • SolaceQueue was renamed to SolaceOperationQueue
          • SolaceTopic was renamed to SolaceOperationTopic
      • MQTT:
        • servers:
          • LastWillConfiguration was renamed to MQTTServerLastWillConfiguration



3 months ago


  • AsyncAPI 2.6.0
  • New Bindings
  • New Security Schemes
  • Specification components now can be extended with x-*



  • Specification components doesn't overrides given ObjectMapper - https://github.com/asyncapi/jasyncapi/issues/128
  • 2.0.0 - typo in Components serverBindings: ServerBinding instead of ServerBindingsDeserializer
  • 2.0.0 - fixed typo in ServerVariable field name - example was renamed to examples
  • Error while parsing of specifications when Reference was recognized as Schema


3 years ago

Supporting of IDEA 2020.3.*