Jcabi Dynamo Save

Object Oriented Wrapper of AWS DynamoDB SDK

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More details are here: dynamo.jcabi.com.

Also, read this blog post: Object-Oriented DynamoDB API.

Set of classes in com.jcabi.dynamo is an object layer on top of AWS SDK for Dynamo DB.

For example, to read an item from your Dynamo table:

public class Main {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final Credentials credentials = new Credentials.Simple("AWS key", "AWS secret");
        final Region region = new Region.Simple(credentials);
        final Table table = region.table("foo");
        final Collection<Item> items = table.frame().where("id", Conditions.equalTo(123));
        for (final Item item : items) {

How to contribute?

Fork the repository, make changes, submit a pull request. We promise to review your changes same day and apply to the master branch, if they look correct.

Please run Maven build before submitting a pull request:

$ mvn clean install -Pqulice
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Jcabi Dynamo" Project. README Source: jcabi/jcabi-dynamo
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2 weeks ago

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