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Implementation of NewTek NDI protocol for Cycling 74's Max

Project README

Extensions for sending/receiving video and audio using the NDI® protocol in Cycling 74's Max


The NDI® protocol allows high-quality, high-performance, low-latency streaming of video and audio over a local network. jit.ndi provides a pair of objects to interface this protocol with the Max/Jitter environment, allowing sending/receiving of jitter matrices and MSP signals to/from any other device supporting NDI.


  • NDI 6.0 compatible (runtime is dynamically loaded so will work with any installed compatible NDI version)
  • Send/receive 2D jitter matrices of any size. 3-plane RGB and 4-plane RGBA both supported.
  • YUV mode for high-performance usage.
  • Send/receive unlimited number of audio channels.
  • Objects can set/report preview/program tally status on a video source.


  • Max 8 (64-bit) - Windows or Mac (Intel/Apple Silicon)
  • NDI® Runtime - Windows or Mac
  • NDI® Tools - Required if using NDI-HX equipment (such as the NDI HX Camera app) (and also useful for testing)


jit.ndi is licensed under LGPL 3.0. This means you are free to use the objects in any commercial/non-commercial project but any changes to the source code must be released under the same license.


  • jit.ndi is supplied as a Max package. Download available from the releases page.
  • Unzip and place the entire jit.ndi directory in your Max packages directory (C:/Users/[username]/Documents/Max 8/Packages on Windows, /Users/[username]/Documents/Max 8/Packages on Mac OS).


Help patchers and Max documentation metadata included in the package.

jit.ndi Copyright (C) 2024 Pixsper Ltd. www.pixsper.com

NDI® is a trademark of Vizrt NDI AB. ©2023 https://ndi.video/

Includes yxml (C) 2013-2014 Yoran Heling

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Jit.ndi" Project. README Source: pixsper/jit.ndi
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1 month ago

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