Jsonview Versions Save

A web extension that helps you view JSON documents in the browser.


2 weeks ago
  • Fixed a regression where floating-point numbers were truncated to integers.


2 weeks ago
  • JSONView is now compatible with Manifest V3, which is required in Chrome.
  • The JSON object is no longer available from the console via the global "data" property in Chrome, due to Manifest V3 changes.
  • Fixed JSONView in Edge, where it was conflicting with Edge's new built-in JSON viewer. If you like Edge's default viewer you can uninstall JSONView.
  • Fixed detection of "bare" object keys to more reliably follow what a JavaScript object literal would allow.


11 months ago

Fix mangled arrows


11 months ago

Fix mangled encoding in Firefox


11 months ago

Fix recognizing content types like application/hal+json


1 year ago
  • Preserve indentation when copying JSON.
  • The JSON object is available from the console via the global "data" property. Note: This may go away when JSONView is forced into the new Manifest V3 extension model.
  • Increased the number of content types that will be recognized as JSON.
  • Added Indonesian localization.


3 years ago
  • Switch to a dark theme when your system is set to dark mode.


6 years ago
  • JSONView has been rewritten with the new WebExtension model, and is now compatible with Firefox 57+ and Google Chrome.
  • JSONView will now highlight any content type matching "application/*+json" in addition to "application/json".
  • Due to the new extension model, the ability to add "application/json" to the Accept header has been removed.
  • Removed the preference to use the built-in Firefox JSON viewer.


7 years ago
  • Fixed a case where JSON would fail to parse if a string containing a number was preceded by a quote that was preceded by a lot of escaped slashes, or occurred near another number.


7 years ago
  • Fixed a case where JSON would fail to parse if a string containing a number was preceded by a quote that was preceded by an escaped slash.