Kanbanist Save

The Universal Kanban Board for Todoist

Project README

Kanbanist 1.0 ⏤ The missing Kanban board for Todoist

Update: September, 2023

I'm excited to announce the launch of Kanbanist 2, a ground-up rewrite of Kanbanist, designed to support many of the features requested here, including project columns, dark mode, customizable task cards, task search, and much more. Kanbanist 2 is not open-source (yet), and Kanbanist 1.0 (this project) is still available at https://old.kanban.ist.

Kanbanist Kanbanist

Features (Kanbanist 1.0)


🖥️ Create a dynamic fullscreen Kanban boards for all your Todoist tasks

🔁 Syncs directly with Todoist, so changes instanstly show up in all your Todoist apps

🔒 Private and secure: no server means no place for unwanted eyes to look at your tasks.

⚡️ Full support for Todoist quick-add syntax.

🎉 Full support for markdown and emojis

Known Issues

  • As described in Issue 74, you cannot scroll the board by dragging a task to the edge as is possible in Trello. This is an issue with the underlying drag-and-drop library react-beautiful-dnd.


Kanbanist is a static (serverless) website built using create-react-app and dependencies are managed using yarn

To get started git clone the repository and then run yarn (to install dependencies) and yarn start to start the development server.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please use the following prettier configuration on all javascript files (or run yarn format):

	prettier --print-width 120 ---tab-width 4 -single-quote --jsx-bracket-same-line --arrow-parens avoid --trailing-comma es5 --write src/**/*.js

Say Thanks

If Kanbanist adds value to your productivity workflow, please consider supporting the project.


Kanbanist is proudly open source software licensed under MIT.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Kanbanist" Project. README Source: mwakerman/kanbanist
Open Issues
Last Commit
9 months ago

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