Keycloak Restrict Client Auth Versions Save

A Keycloak authenticator to restrict authorization on clients


3 weeks ago

What's Changed

:arrow_up: Dependency Updates

Full Changelog:


4 months ago

What's Changed

:arrow_up: Dependency Updates

Full Changelog:


7 months ago

What's Changed

:arrow_up: Dependency Updates

Full Changelog:


11 months ago

What's Changed

:boom: Breaking Changes

Full Changelog:

⚠️ Compatibility issues:

As part of upgrading to Quarkus 3.x, Keycloak migrated its codebase from Java EE to the successor Jakarta EE. Due to this transition from Java EE to Jakarta EE, this and all upcoming releases will no longer be backwards compatible with Keycloak versions < 22, Java EE, and Java < 17. For details please see this blog post


1 year ago
  • [deps] Update Keycloak dependencies to 21.0.0

⚠️ Compatibility issues:

This and all upcoming releases will no longer be backwards compatible with Keycloak versions < 21


1 year ago
  • [deps] Update Keycloak dependencies to 20.0.3
  • [bug] Fix missing client id in logs (#136, thanks @danifr)


1 year ago
  • [deps] Update Keycloak dependencies to 20.0.0
  • [test] Remove compatibility tests for Wildfly-based distro
  • [docs] Remove installation instructions for Wildfly-based distro


1 year ago
  • [deps] Update Keycloak dependencies to 19.0.0

⚠️ Compatibility issues:

Due to a refactoring of Keycloak's ResourceServerStore API this extension will no longer be backwards compatible with Keycloak versions < 19.x. For details please see


1 year ago
  • [deps] Update Keycloak dependencies to 18.0.2

  • [feat] Add support for client policies.

    • Provide a client policy condition named restrict-client-auth-enabled to check whether user authentication on a client has been restricted or not.
    • Provide a client policy executor named restrict-client-auth-auto-config to automatically enable restricted access for clients.

    ⚠️ Feature preview:

    Support for client policies is currently feature preview. I am happy to get some feedback on this. However, depending on feedback the feature may be changed or even be removed again in the future.


2 years ago
  • [deps] Update Keycloak dependencies to 18.0.0

  • [compatibility] Dropping compatibility support for Keycloak versions before 18.0.0

    This means I will no longer check if this extension is compatible with versions before 18.0.0.

⚠️ Compatibility issues:

Due to a refactoring of Keycloak's ResourceStore API this extension will no longer be backwards compatible with Keycloak versions < 18.x.

For details please see and