Krapslog Rs Save

Visualize logs in your terminal: ▂▃▃▃▃▃▅▅▅▅▃▃▅▅▆▇

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Visualize a log file with sparklines

When troubleshooting a problem with a production service, I often need to get the general shape of a log file. Are there any spikes? Was the load higher during the incident than it was beforehand? Does anything else stand out? Without tooling to help you, a large log file is little more than a blob of data. This tool is designed to quickly surface key features of the log — and then get out of your way.



brew install acj/taps/krapslog

From source

cargo install krapslog


$ krapslog --help
Visualize log files using sparklines

Usage: krapslog [OPTIONS] [FILE]

  [FILE]  Log file to analyze

  -F, --format <FORMAT>            Timestamp format to match [default: %d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S%.f]
  -m, --markers <MARKERS>          Number of time markers to display [default: 0]
  -h, --height <HEIGHT>            Height (in lines) of the displayed sparkline [default: 1]
  -c, --concurrency <CONCURRENCY>  Number of threads to use when processing large files (defaults to number of CPU cores) [default: 8]
  -h, --help                       Print help
  -V, --version                    Print version


Get the basic shape:

$ krapslog /var/log/haproxy.log 

Add points in time:

$ krapslog --markers 10 /var/log/haproxy.log
                                                             Sat Nov 23 14:15:56
                                                    Sat Nov 23 13:22:29        |
                                           Sat Nov 23 12:29:01        |        |
                                  Sat Nov 23 11:35:33        |        |        |
                          Sat Nov 23 10:48:02       |        |        |        |
                                            |       |        |        |        |
|        |        |       |        |
|        |        |       |        Sat Nov 23 09:54:34
|        |        |       Sat Nov 23 09:01:07
|        |        Sat Nov 23 08:13:36
|        Sat Nov 23 07:20:08
Sat Nov 23 06:26:40

Increase the display resolution:

$ krapslog --height 5 /var/log/haproxy.log
                                                                                        ▁           ▁  ▁▃▃██
                                                                                    ▁ ▁▅█▃▅▂▂▄▃▃▅▅▇▆█▇██████
                                                                     ▁▆▅▇▅▃▆▇  ▁ ▁▁▄█▇██████████████████████
                                            ▁▁ ▁▂ ▅▂  ▂▃▂▁ ▃▁ ▂▂▅▅▂▄▅████████▇▆█▅███████████████████████████

Integrate with other tools:

$ zcat /var/log/haproxy.log.1.gz | grep -v "unimportant.html" | krapslog

Custom date formats

By default, krapslog assumes that log timestamps are in the Common Log Format (CLF), which looks like this: "02/Jan/2006:15:04:05.000" (timezone offset is ignored). However, you can use the format parameter to find timestamps in other formats. The parameter value must use a format that's recognized by strftime.

For example, if your log contains dates that look like "Jan 1, 2020 15:04:05", you can run krapslog as follows:

krapslog --format "%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S" ...

Currently supported specifiers

Specifier Meaning
%Y The full proleptic Gregorian year, zero-padded to 4 digits.
%C The proleptic Gregorian year divided by 100, zero-padded to 2 digits.
%y The proleptic Gregorian year modulo 100, zero-padded to 2 digits.
%m Month number (01--12), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%b Abbreviated month name. Always 3 letters.
%B Full month name. Also accepts corresponding abbreviation in parsing.
%h Same as %b.
%d Day number (01--31), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%H Hour number (00--23), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%M Minute number (00--59), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%S Second number (00--60), zero-padded to 2 digits.
%.f Similar to .%f but left-aligned. These all consume the leading dot.
%s UNIX timestamp. Seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC.


Please be kind. We're all trying to do our best.

If you find a bug, please open an issue. (Or, better, submit a pull request that fixes it!)

If you'd like see a new feature or would like to add one yourself, please open an issue so that we can discuss it.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Krapslog Rs" Project. README Source: acj/krapslog-rs
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1 month ago

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