Krypto Trading Bot Versions Save

Self-hosted crypto trading bot (automated high frequency market making) written in C++


3 years ago

Added Hello World bot, Portfolios bot, Scaling bot and Stable bot. Added Binance, Kraken, KuCoin, and BitMEX API.


5 years ago

Updated exchange integrations as simple libcurl wrappers.


6 years ago

Added main KryptoNinja class derived from all other classes and ready to be extended. Added C++ OOP everywhere. Added test units. Added --interface=IP argument to bind outgoing traffic to a specific network interface. Added Ethfinex and FCoin API. Updated OKEx websocket to binary data. Added build-in document root to stop reading files from disk. Added build chain for win32. Added build chain for OSX v10.13.


6 years ago

Updated application name to K because of Kira. Added nodejs7, typescript2, angular4 and reactivexjs. Added cleanup of bandwidth, source code, dependencies and installation steps. Added many quoting parameters thanks to Camille92 genius suggestions. Added support for multiple instances/config files with nested matryoshka UI. Added npm scripts, david-dm, travis-ci, coveralls and codacy. Added historical charts to replace grafana. Added C++ math functions. Updated OKCoin API (since Updated Bitfinex API v2. Added GDAX FIX API with stunnel. Added Korbit API. Added cleanup of database records, memory usage and log recording. Added audio notices, realtime wallet display and grafana integration. Added https, dark theme and new UI elements. Added a bit of love to Kira.


7 years ago

Updated HitBTC API v2. Added ZIP installation steps for non-git-lovers. Added HamelinRat quoting mode and Trend safety thanks to b-seite and serzhiio contributions. Added XMR network ecosystem optional support. Added command-line arguments. Updated quoting engine and gateways without nodejs. Added Makefile to replace npm scripts. Added PNG files as configuration files. Added built-in C++ WWW Server to replace expressjs and socketio. Added built-in SQLite C++ interface to replace external mongodb server. Added Poloniex API.