Landscapemetrics Versions Save

Landscape Metrics for Categorical Map Patterns 🗺️ in R


2 months ago
  • Bugfixes
    • Bug in spatialze_lsm() with directions argument


5 months ago
  • Improvements
    • Simplify roxygen2 docs
  • Bugfixes
    • Bugfix in calculate of clumpy if NA values are present
    • Bugfix in construct_buffer that CRS was lost


7 months ago
  • Improvements
    • Many performance improvements. Most visible are in calculate_lsm (all metrics: more than 5 times faster with 70% less memory allocation for augusta_nlcd; larger increases were found for smaller data) and window_lsm (a single metric: more than 6 times faster for augusta_nlcd; larger increases were found for smaller data)
    • Some performance improvements are related to the new "extras" mechanism, in which several objects are precalculated in calculate_lsm
    • Creates an internal extras_df object that lists which extras are needed by each metric
    • Replaces the use of tibble::tibble() with tibble::new_tibble(list()) in most functions. This change is partially responsible for improvements of the window_lsm speed
    • Replaces raster_to_points with get_points in several places. The get_points function is based on the column and row numbers multiplied by the resolution, not actual coordinates.
    • Replaces table with (faster) tabulate in lsm_p_core
  • New functions
    • Adds a few internal helper functions and documents them, including prepare_extras, get_area_patches, get_class_patches, get_complexity, get_enn_patch, get_points, and get_perimeter_patch
  • Bugfixes
    • Fixes window_lsm behaviour for situations with NAs values and non-square windows
  • Various
    • Fixes several typos and improves documentation in many places
    • Uses object references in most rcpp functions


7 months ago
  • Improvements
    • terra and sf instead of raster and sp as underlying frameworks
    • Adjust all show_* functions to avoid ggplot2 warning
    • Update color palette of show_correlation
  • New functions
    • points_as_mat() helper function
  • Bugfixes
    • There was a bug introduced previously in the calculation of SHEI
    • extract_lsm returned an no-needed warning message
    • Minor bug in shape index fixed
    • Minor bug in clumpy index fixed
  • Various
    • Updated FRAGSTATS reference (thanks to Oto Kaláb @kalab-oto)
    • Update FRAGSTATS tests


1 year ago
  • Improvements
    • get_patches returns a unique patch id for all classes
    • Adds adds the ability to use a circular window in window_lsm()
  • Various
    • Fix typo in Maintainer name


2 years ago

landscapemetrics 1.5.4

  • Improvements
    • Improved memory performance related to perimeter and edge calculations


2 years ago

landscapemetrics 1.5.3

  • Improvements
    • Improved terra objects (SpatRaster) support for almost all functions.
    • Bugfix in get_boundaries() for matrix input and return_raster = TRUE
    • Better naming of list outputs
  • Bugfixes
    • Adding rel_mut_inf to list_lsm()
    • Fix changes due to new ggplot2 version


3 years ago

landscapemetrics 1.5.2

  • Bugfixes
    • Bug in lsm_l_ai if class with only one cell exists
  • Various
    • Renamed master to main branch


3 years ago

landscapemetrics 1.5.1

  • Improvements
    • Use GitHub actions
  • Bugfixes
    • Bug in lsm_c_lsi, lsm_c_nlsi, lsm_l_lsi not using cell surfaces


3 years ago

landscapemetrics 1.5.0

  • Improvements
    • Improved internal understandment of input classes
    • Adds terra objects (SpatRaster) support
  • New functions
    • lsm_l_relmutinf to calculate relative mutual information