Layercake Versions Save

graphics framework for sveltejs


4 weeks ago

Adds an i index value to accessor functions. See CHANGELOG for details:


1 month ago

Adds an option to suppress layout warnings. See CHANGELOG for details:


3 months ago

Ordinal domains can now be optionally sorted. See Changelog for more.

Also mentioning a minor improvement that was in 8.0.3: data is now logged to the console in debug mode, for easier reference.


9 months ago

A small release but a breaking change. Ordinal domains are sorted. See Changelog for more.


1 year ago

Updates the peer deps and dev deps to be compatible with Svelte 4. These are mostly changes for how the docs are built, since those are in this same repo. For the library, it adds Svelte 4 as a peer dep option and that's about it.

See the CHANGELOG for details.


1 year ago

This release adds some new props and slots to layout components for accessiblity options. See the for full details.

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

This release exposes the context values as slot props so you can compose things without making so many components, if you like. See the CHANGELOG for more details.


1 year ago

This release adds the new debug prop on the <LayerCake> component, which prints out information about your scales. See the CHANGELOG for details. print-debug


1 year ago

This release adds a few new functions to make common data transformation functions easier. See the changelog for full details.


1 year ago

This version brings some improvements to how ordinal (scaleBand, scalePoint and scaleOrdinal) are handled. Layer Cake now auto-calculates unique values as the domain for these scales and doesn't reverse the y scale range for them. See the changelog for full details.