Learning Cloud Save

Courses, sample code, articles & screencasts - AWS, Azure, & GCP

Project README

Learning Cloud

⭐⭐⭐ - NEW course - Insights on Cloud Computing ⭐⭐⭐

What is Here

This Repo contains links to 100+ resources I've created for you to learn to work on the public cloud.
Links to artifacts are included for AWS, Azure, or GCP & more.

FRESH CONTENT --> GenAI and more

Newest Cloud Content


  • My screencast series/YouTube playlist - 5+ min of my ChatGPT - link to playlist
  • Released: Google Gemini for Developers - link to repo and course on LinkedIn Learning
  • Recorded: Advanced Google Gemini for Developers - link to repo and course 'coming soon' on LinkedIn Learning
  • Scheduled: New course Databricks GenAI course

NEWS about my additional LinkedIn Learning Courses for 2024


Most viewed Cloud Content

GCP Topics

  • 🧬 📺 :octocat: GCP-for-Bioinformatics FREE course on GitHub
  • 📺 :octocat: Serverless Architecture course - link & repo
  • 📺 :octocat: GCP Essentials and GCP Enterprise courses on LI_L - see repo for updates - link
  • 📺 :octocat: GCP Tools course on LI_L & associated repo examples in tools folder at link
  • 📺 :octocat: GCP Cost Control course on LI_L, see repo link too

Data, Machine Learning and More

  • 📺 :octocat:Learning SnowflakeDB course on LI_L & associated repo at link
  • 📺 :octocat: Cloud Quantum Computing course on LI_L & associated working repo at link
  • :octocat: Studies on Learning Ethical AI , my resources repo at link
  • 🧬 :octocat: In preview - aws-for-bioinformatics a FREE and open source course on GitHub and YouTube - link
  • 📚 :octocat: 📺 Learning Data Mesh repo + book club

ALL CONTENT: 100+ Cloud Courses, Articles

All Cloud Content

All Cloud Courses

  • 📚 my cloud courses on LinkedIn Learning (30) - link
  • :octocat: my example code in Github repos (10+) - link
  • 📖 my system visualization tools, talks and examples (list) - link
  • 🧬 :octocat: my course on bioinformatics for cloud on GitHub (TeamTeri) - link

Cloud Architectures, Patterns and Articles

  • :octocat: My CLOUD-PATTERNS section to share best practice patterns and tools for cloud workloads - link
  • 📺 :octocat: My Serverless Architecture companion repo to my course on LI_L - link
  • 📚 Lynn Langit's Cloud World on Substack
  • 📖 my technical articles on Medium (40) - cloud topics - link
  • 📖 my micro-blogging on Dev.to (many...) - link

All Cloud Screencasts, Sample Data and Slide Decks

  • 🗣️ my screencasts/talks on YouTube (50+) - cloud topics and more - link
  • 🗄️ my sample data in GitHub repo (10+) kinds of sample data - link
  • 🗣️ my slide decks on Slides.com (many...) - link

But, wait, "how do I get started in cloud?"

If you are completely new to cloud, you might want to go here first --> link

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Learning Cloud" Project. README Source: lynnlangit/learning-cloud

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