LightOSM.jl Versions Save

A Julia package for downloading and analysing geospatial data from OpenStreetMap APIs.


3 months ago

LightOSM v0.3.1

Diff since v0.3.0

Merged pull requests:

  • Fix lane parsing bug (#102) (@simsurace)


3 months ago

LightOSM v0.3.0

Diff since v0.2.11

Merged pull requests:

  • Only look at members that are ways when parsing buildings (#100) (@mmiller-max)
  • [FEAT] Changed id type to Union{Int, String} (#101) (@AzilAverakot)

Closed issues:

  • buildings_from_file: ERROR: KeyError: key 5461892572 not found (#94)


1 year ago

LightOSM v0.2.11

Diff since v0.2.10

Merged pull requests:

  • [FEAT] Add option to not filter on network_type filters during graph creation (#99) (@jarodlam)


1 year ago

LightOSM v0.2.10

Diff since v0.2.9

Merged pull requests:

  • [FEAT] Add download method for custom Overpass API query (#97) (@jarodlam)
  • Fix for OSM download custom filter unit tests (#98) (@jarodlam)


1 year ago

LightOSM v0.2.9

Diff since v0.2.8

Merged pull requests:

  • [FIX] Ensure "lanes" tag for railway type is converted to Int8 (#93) (@captchanjack)


1 year ago

LightOSM v0.2.8

Diff since v0.2.7

Merged pull requests:

  • [FEAT] Add GeoLocation constructor from EdgePoint (#91) (@jarodlam)


1 year ago

LightOSM v0.2.7

Diff since v0.2.6

Merged pull requests:

  • Escape underscore variablenames in info-string (#64) (@jaakkor2)
  • node_to_way relationship contained duplicate ways when only considering the largest connected component (#81) (@SuperGrobi)
  • [FIX] Small fixes for docs, update LightOSMFiles URL (#83) (@jarodlam)
  • [FEAT] Version bump (#84) (@jarodlam)


1 year ago

LightOSM v0.2.6

Diff since v0.2.5

Merged pull requests:

  • Update HTTP compat entry for v1 (#74) (@mmiller-max)
  • Add nearest way and R-tree (#80) (@jarodlam)


1 year ago

LightOSM v0.2.5

Diff since v0.2.4

Closed issues:

  • Add a 'max traversal limit' option to astar traversal (#2)

Merged pull requests:

  • Add set_lightosm_defaults function to edit fallback values (#77) (@jarodlam)


1 year ago

LightOSM v0.2.4

Diff since v0.2.3

Merged pull requests:

  • Add Dict-based A* algorithm and max distance early exit condition (#76) (@jarodlam)