LightOSM.jl Versions Save

A Julia package for downloading and analysing geospatial data from OpenStreetMap APIs.


1 year ago

LightOSM v0.2.3

Diff since v0.2.2

Merged pull requests:

  • Subgraph generation performance improvement, test tidying (#73) (@bjmommers)


1 year ago

LightOSM v0.2.2

Diff since v0.2.1

Merged pull requests:

  • Fixes for subgraph/GeoLocation/MetaGraph typing (#72) (@bjmommers)


2 years ago

LightOSM v0.2.1

Diff since v0.2.0

Merged pull requests:

  • Add methods to create a sub-OSMGraph from an OSMGraph (#71) (@bjmommers)


2 years ago

LightOSM v0.2.0

Diff since v0.1.19


  • Improve Djkstra and A* performance using min heap instead of priority queue
  • Use correct exit conditions for Dijkstra and A*
  • Introduce breaking change to shortest_path interface and traversal functions astar and dijkstra, mainly to minimise allocations
  • Add cost_adjustment function as input to path finding, generalises restriction costs between u and v
  • Improve path_from_parents by tracking path length, allows preallocation of final array
  • Add graph utilities like index_to_node_id, more to come in the future
  • nearest_node updated so now only returns a single node for each point given. If a single point is given (whether a GeoLocation, vector of lat/lon, Node or node ID) then a tuple of (id, dist) is returned. If a vector of points is given, then a tuple of ([ids...], [dists...]) is returned.
  • Added nearest_nodes allows for the nearest n nodes. If a single point is given, returns a tuple of ([ids...], [dists...]). If a vector of points is given, returns a tuple of ([[ids...]...], [[dists...]...]).
  • Concretely type kdtree field of OSMGraph - improves performance
  • Quite a bit of refactoring including removing function return typing - we can let Julia work this out.
  • Rename highways to ways

Closed issues:

  • Refactor highways to ways in graphs (#18)
  • Change nearest_node API (#45)
  • shortest_path throws an error when no path is found (#61)
  • Try FastPriorityQueues.jl (#68)

Merged pull requests:

  • Rename highways to ways (#56) (@mmiller-max)
  • Add deprecation warning for highways to ways (#57) (@mmiller-max)
  • Avoid 1 (one) allocation (#59) (@fbanning)
  • Update nearest_node interface (#63) (@mmiller-max)
  • Improve Djkstra and A* performance (#69) (@captchanjack)

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

LightOSM v0.1.19

Diff since v0.1.18

Closed issues:

  • Switch to Graphs (#52)

Merged pull requests:

  • Transition from LightGraphs to Graphs (#53) (@mmiller-max)


2 years ago

LightOSM v0.1.18

Diff since v0.1.17

Closed issues:

  • Bug: oneway tag on non-oneway highways (#49)

Merged pull requests:

  • set default oneway to false, except roundabouts (#50) (@spcogg)


2 years ago

LightOSM v0.1.17

Diff since v0.1.16

Merged pull requests:

  • Stop add_indexed_restrictions! from reversing order of nodes in way object (#48) (@mmiller-max)


2 years ago

LightOSM v0.1.16

Diff since v0.1.15

Merged pull requests:

  • Fix stub path in docs (#44) (@mmiller-max)
  • Add note on checking heuristic when custom weights used with astar (#46) (@mmiller-max)
  • Add tests for bug fixed in PR #42 (#47) (@mmiller-max)


2 years ago

LightOSM v0.1.15

Diff since v0.1.14

Merged pull requests:

  • Allow different weight matrices to be passed in for path weight calculations (#40) (@mmiller-max)
  • Add example stub for unit tests and stop download failures from breaking unit tests (#41) (@mmiller-max)
  • Stop shortest path returning no path when destination node is reached on suboptimal path (#42) (@mmiller-max)


2 years ago

LightOSM v0.1.14

Diff since v0.1.13

Closed issues:

  • Keep having to manually run tagbot (#28)
  • Tests failing due to overpass being unavailable (#34)

Merged pull requests:

  • Set TagBot action to run hourly (#33) (@mmiller-max)
  • Remove unnecessary downloads in test and make it wait longer for overpass (#35) (@mmiller-max)
  • A few updates to file handling (#36) (@mmiller-max)
  • Add new shortest path method to pass in weights (#37) (@mmiller-max)
  • Speed up add_weights! (#38) (@mmiller-max)
  • Bump patch (#39) (@mmiller-max)