Lionshare Desktop Versions Save

🦁 Simple cryptocurrency price and portfolio monitor for macOS


7 years ago
  • 💵 New currencies: IOC, SC, SJCX and DCR
  • ⌨ Keyboard shortcuts for prices and portfolio (Cmd+1/2)
  • $ Fixed formatting for non-US dollar currencies
  • 🐳 Fixed number formatting for whale users
  • 🛠 Various bug fixes and improvements


7 years ago


Lionshare is a simple macOS application that helps you track cryptocurrencies and your portfolio. Build using Electron, React and Mobx.

Read more in our blog post


7 years ago

🦁 Beta 2 is here for your testing


  • Track your favorite crypto currencies from the list of ~20
  • Build your dream portfolio from the coins you own, or wish you would own
  • Track gains and losses by day, week or month