Lite Reader Save

self-hosted Lightweight News Reader

Project README

lite reader

Read your feeds on your own machine with a simple and lite application.




  • None, just download the binary from the releases page and run it.

that's it, enjoy a very lite and minimal feed aggregator: the lite-reader

Migration from legacy Lite Reader

If you are using the legacy Lite Reader, you can migrate your data to the new Lite Reader.

  1. Download the latest release of Lite Reader
  2. Copy the data folder consisting of the agg.db file from the legacy Lite Reader to the new Lite Reader folder
  3. Run the new Lite Reader

Want to Contribute?

Legacy Lite Reader

The legacy version of Lite Reader is available at legacy-lite-reader repository. It is written in PHP and uses SQLite as the database. It is no longer maintained and is not recommended for use.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Lite Reader" Project. README Source: cubny/lite-reader
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Last Commit
2 months ago

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