Live Charts Versions Save

Simple, flexible, interactive & powerful charts, maps and gauges for .Net


7 years ago

High Performance is finally here, please see

Fixed issues

  • Fixed an issue where step line series was not setting PointForeground properly
  • Improves Hovering performance in Line and StepLine series


7 years ago

No Major changes


  • #342
  • #344
  • Fixes an issue when dragging section could throw when zooming was enabled.


7 years ago

No major changes

Fixed bugs

  • #339
  • #340

New Features

  • Now you can drag sections , find an example here
  • Now you can control the ZIndex of sections, link above also uses this feature dragables


7 years ago

As the last releases this one has no changes, it fixes some issues, and it is ready to connect with the high performance package of the library, it took me really too much time, but it is here and should be online in no more than 2 days.


  • #329
  • #317
  • #326
  • #334


7 years ago
  • "Fixes" #312
  • Fixes #320

This release has also a better implementation for Axis.RangeChanged event


7 years ago

This release has no significant changes, just new features and fixed issues.

I said 0.7.12 would include High performance, sadly not everything is ready yet. the library in general is much more solid to do complex operations, you will notice it, many improvements to zooming, panning, and detected bottlenecks that were reducing performance.

This does not means the library is read to plot millions of points now, I keep working in the virtualization algorithms, the results are awesome, you can really plot millions in practically no time (depends on the series and chart). These algorithms are practically ready, but before releasing them I need to fix licensing and some other issues, as I have said they will have a price, but you will be able to get a license from 59 USD, this is a really low price compared with any other charting library, this will only help to keep the project alive, pay the web site, improve documentation and support.

Live-Charts will always be free and MIT licensed, this means if you only need what you have being doing so far, you won't need to pay anything to use this library, but when you need a high performance library you could t get the GearValues package.

Let's go back to this release

New Features:

  • New property, Axis.BarUnit, it makes much more simpler to work with bars, instead of changing the unit of the chart as you used to, I will add an example to the web site soon, but the idea is that now you can set the width of a column bar, to 1 second, 1 day, or any unit you need.
  • New Axis.RangeChanged event, this even is called every time the axis range changes, includes zooming and panning, also will add an example soon.

Fixed issues

  • #285
  • #316
  • #269


7 years ago

This release introduces some new features, specially a really important one, the GeoMaps control, also fixes some issues.

Major Changes

New Features

Fixed issues

  • #293
  • #271


7 years ago

Forgot to run unit tests in 079 release (sorry), this release is a cleanup of 079.


7 years ago

A couple of well debugged and identified errors by @NickSavin and @chucklu thank you very much!

This release fixes some annoying issues ordered by relevance:

  • #262
  • #244
  • #264
  • #272
  • #277
  • #263

There are also some new features:

  • New CandleSeries, add it to any CartesianChart added by @hulihutu9, thank you very much again!




7 years ago
  • Fixes a bug where nuget 0.7.7 version was not installing correctly in .net 4.5.2.
  • Fixes #251