Live Reload Save

Browser extension for web devs. Monitors source files on a page and reloads page or source file when a change is detected.

Project README

Live Reload

Web extension for web devs. Monitors source files on a page. Reloads the host page or the changed source file when a change is detected.

How does it work?

Start by creating a "reload rule" where you specify a host URL for a page. Then specify which source file URLs to monitor for changes on that host page.

When you visit a page matching a host URL you configured, it will start monitoring the specified source files (if they're included in the host page). When a change is detected, it will ireload the page or optionally only reload the source file inline without reloading the host page. Inline reloading is supported for stylesheets and frames.

Live Reload allows monitoring iframes, stylesheets, scripts and the host page itself.



Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Live Reload" Project. README Source: blaise-io/live-reload
Open Issues
Last Commit
9 months ago

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