Lizmap Web Client Versions Save

Transfer a QGIS project on a server, Lizmap is providing the web interface to browse it


3 weeks ago

Release Lizmap Web Client 3.8.0-rc.1

Use only the ZIP file provided in this release called ⚠ If you are using Docker, images are available on Docker Hub 🐋:

  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.8.0-rc.1

Do not forget to go in your QGIS desktop plugin manager and regularly update all your plugins to their latest version 🤗


To be able to run this version of Lizmap Web Client, you need :

  • QGIS Server 3.28 minimum, check the latest monthly bugfix release on the QGIS roadmap
  • Lizmap QGIS Server plugin 2.9.4 minimum
  • QGIS project files targeting at least Lizmap Web Client 3.5.0 to be displayed
  • Recommended version for Lizmap Desktop plugin 4.3.14

Automatic testing process

PHP 8.2
PostgreSQL/PostGIS 14 - 3
QGIS Server 3.28
QGIS Desktop 3.28


Added ⭐

  • New JavaScript API to load external layer straight in the legend tree and in the map
  • Popup: FeatureToolbar in compact table
  • Review of the tooltip feature using the new version of the plugin

Removed 🌀

  • Zoom history
  • Unused button about the layer extent

Fixed 🐛

  • Handle baselayers visibility in theme
  • Popup was not shown in the Atlas container
  • Let min/max resolutions be handled by OpenLayers for WMTS
  • Drawing tool : keep draw visible when closing minidock
  • Dataviz in popup generate two feature toolbar in parent popup
  • Apply min and max resolutions to base layers removed by single WMS Layer
  • More fixes about XSS
  • Tooltip :
    • Don't show tooltip tool when device has coarse pointer
    • Remove legacy code
    • Handle linestring layers
  • Fix loading GIF about Lizmap being transformed about color
  • Refresh the layer after editing when using the "single WMS tile mode"

Backend ⛽

  • New lizmap-message component
  • Defer JavaScript scripts loading
  • Refactoring of Web Components, about OpenLayers
  • Review the way to load JavaScript
  • Review ESLint configuration
  • Upgrade Jelix to 1.8.9
  • Upgrade OpenLayers to 9.2.3


  • Update translated strings from the Transifex website, not coding skills required to contribute :

The Lizmap team 🦎


1 month ago

Release Lizmap Web Client 3.7.8

Use only the ZIP file provided in this release called ⚠ If you are using Docker, images are available on Docker Hub 🐋:

  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.7.8
  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.7

Do not forget to go in your QGIS desktop plugin manager and regularly update all your plugins to their latest version 🤗


To be able to run this version of Lizmap Web Client, you need :

  • QGIS Server 3.22 minimum, check the latest monthly bugfix release on the QGIS roadmap
  • Lizmap QGIS Server plugin 2.9.1 minimum
  • QGIS project files targeting at least Lizmap Web Client 3.4.0 to be displayed
  • Recommended version for Lizmap Desktop plugin 4.3.14

Automatic testing process

PHP 8.1 8.2
PostgreSQL/PostGIS 14 - 3 15 - 3
QGIS Server 3.22 3.28
QGIS Desktop 3.22 3.28


Funders 🙂

Changed ♻

  • Check for the Desktop plugin version first instead of showing possible warnings from the plugin
  • Review code snipped to add thumbnail in the attribute table

Fixed 🐛

  • Improve detection of the geometry column when the layer has many
  • Fix attribution for layers not being in the baselayers group
  • Fix and improvements in the legend :
    • Greyscale symbols when layer is not visible
    • Italic and greyscaled uncheked symbols and their children
    • Improve legend when symbols are out of the current map scale
  • For popup, fix the item was visible or not, LEGEND_ON and LEGEND_OFF parameters in GetFeatureInfo
  • Fix popup display in minidock
  • Group with layers can be used as baselayer
  • For XYZ or WMTS layers from QGIS, the use external access was not well-used
  • Reduce loading image size and get back previous white color on animation

Backend ⛽

  • Upgrade of the Dompurify Javascript library


  • Update translated strings from the Transifex website, not coding skills required to contribute :

Full changelog between 3.7.7 and 3.7.8:

The Lizmap team 🦎


1 month ago

Release Lizmap Web Client 3.6.13

Use only the ZIP file provided in this release called ⚠ If you are using Docker, images are available on Docker Hub 🐋:

  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.6.13
  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.6

Do not forget to go in your QGIS desktop plugin manager and regularly update all your plugins to their latest version 🤗


To be able to run this version of Lizmap Web Client, you need :

  • QGIS Server 3.10 minimum, check the latest monthly bugfix release on the QGIS roadmap
  • Lizmap QGIS Server plugin 2.9.1 minimum
  • QGIS project files targeting at least Lizmap Web Client 3.3.0 to be displayed
  • Recommended version for Lizmap Desktop plugin 4.3.14


Funders 🙂

Changed ♻

  • Check for the Desktop plugin version first instead of showing possible warnings from the plugin

Fixed 🐛

  • Fix issue in Dutch language
  • Fix children popup in compact table

Translations 🗺

Full changelog between 3.6.12 and 3.6.13:

The Lizmap team 🦎


1 month ago

Release Lizmap Web Client 3.7.7

Use only the ZIP file provided in this release called ⚠ If you are using Docker, images are available on Docker Hub 🐋:

  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.7.7
  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.7

Do not forget to go in your QGIS desktop plugin manager and regularly update all your plugins to their latest version 🤗


To be able to run this version of Lizmap Web Client, you need :

  • QGIS Server 3.22 minimum, check the latest monthly bugfix release on the QGIS roadmap
  • Lizmap QGIS Server plugin 2.9.1 minimum
  • QGIS project files targeting at least Lizmap Web Client 3.4 to be displayed

Automatic testing process

PHP 8.1 8.2
PostgreSQL/PostGIS 14 - 3 15 - 3
QGIS Server 3.22 3.28
QGIS Desktop 3.22 3.28


Added ⭐

  • Better handling of error message
    • Editing capabilities, display and saving the form
    • Printing

Fixed 🐛

  • Dataviz - Fix display of HTML plots in popups
  • Fix issue in Dutch language
  • Fix children popup in compact table about DataTable
  • Use external WMS URL when activated, not using QGIS Server
  • Fix some XSS issues into features forms and attribute table
  • Check for hidden group when generating the Base layers group
  • Handle symbols expanded state
  • Map themes :
    • Fix expanding sub-groups
    • Handle case where there is no visible layers
    • Handle symbols expanded state
  • Print :
    • Take care of map projection for redlining
    • Correctly select default format
  • Caching CLI tool : fix when input is 0
  • Add STYLE parameter in the GetFeatureInfo
  • Rephrase sentence about CORS settings
  • Layer tree : fix if the group is empty (after filtering for instance)

Translations 🗺

Backend ⛽

  • Fix a few issues about XSS
  • Expose some OpenLayers classes in a library
  • Update OpenLayers to 9.1.0
  • Upgrade Jelix to version 1.8.9

Funders 🙂

Full changelog between 3.7.6 and 3.7.7:

The Lizmap team 🦎


1 month ago

Release Lizmap Web Client 3.6.12

Use only the ZIP file provided in this release called ⚠ If you are using Docker, images are available on Docker Hub 🐋:

  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.6.12
  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.6

Do not forget to go in your QGIS desktop plugin manager and regularly update all your plugins to their latest version 🤗


To be able to run this version of Lizmap Web Client, you need :

  • QGIS Server 3.10 minimum, check the latest monthly bugfix release on the QGIS roadmap
  • Lizmap QGIS Server plugin 2.8.4 minimum
  • QGIS project files targeting at least Lizmap Web Client 3.3 to be displayed


Fixed 🐛

  • Fix some XSS issues into features forms

Translations 🗺

Full changelog between 3.6.11 and 3.6.12:

The Lizmap team 🦎


3 months ago

Release Lizmap Web Client 3.7.6

Use only the ZIP file provided in this release called ⚠ If you are using Docker, images are available on Docker Hub 🐋:

  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.7.6
  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.7

Do not forget to go in your QGIS desktop plugin manager and regularly update all your plugins to their latest version 🤗


To be able to run this version of Lizmap Web Client, you need :

  • QGIS Server 3.22 minimum, check the latest monthly bugfix release on the QGIS roadmap
  • Lizmap QGIS Server plugin 2.8.6 minimum
  • QGIS project files targeting at least Lizmap Web Client 3.4 to be displayed

Automatic testing process

PHP 8.1 8.2
PostgreSQL/PostGIS 14 - 3 15 - 3
QGIS Server 3.22 3.28
QGIS Desktop 3.22 3.28


Added ⭐

  • Show warnings if the project has some, when connected as an admin

Changed ♻

  • Update the table of QGIS projects in the administration panel
  • Update limit to 500 000 for the row limit in the attribute table tool

Fixed 🐛

  • Fix printing base layers with layers in the hidden group
  • Fix the message "Feature not editable" if the user has the right
  • Fix issue about rights for anonymous users
  • Fix language for compact table in a children popup
  • Drag and drop form configuration is not taken into account for the embedded layers, contribution from @mind84
  • Apply minimum and maximum resolutions to base layers
  • Webdav upload was failing when evaluating expressions that uses feature fields
  • Fix an issue about the empty background when using QGIS Server 3.34

Translations 🗺

Backend ⛽

  • Enhancing the way Lizmap build Etag and add an Etag to GetKeyValueConfig
  • Upgrade Jelix to version 1.8.8

Funders 🙂

Full changelog between 3.7.5 and 3.7.6:

The Lizmap team 🦎


3 months ago

Release Lizmap Web Client 3.8.0-alpha.1

Use only the ZIP file provided in this release called ⚠ If you are using Docker, images are available on Docker Hub 🐋:

  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.8.0-alpha.1

Do not forget to go in your QGIS desktop plugin manager and regularly update all your plugins to their latest version 🤗


To be able to run this version of Lizmap Web Client, you need :

  • QGIS Server 3.28 minimum, check the latest monthly bugfix release on the QGIS roadmap
  • Lizmap QGIS Server plugin 2.8.6 minimum
  • QGIS project files targeting at least Lizmap Web Client 3.4 to be displayed

Automatic testing process

PHP 8.2
PostgreSQL/PostGIS 14 - 3
QGIS Server 3.28
QGIS Desktop 3.28


Added ⭐

  • Load layers as a single WMS layer, contribution from @mind84
  • Improve snapping functionalities, contribution from @mind84
  • New management of the N to M relations data editor, contribution from @mind84
  • Display features at startup when set in URL
  • Improvement on the landing page HTML content (logged and not logged user)

Removed 🌀

  • Buttons about zoom history

Backend ⛽

  • Some JavaScript and PHP refactoring, code cleaning
  • Update OpenLayers to version 9
  • Improve migration to OpenLayers 9
    • OL 9 map on top now
    • Popup
    • Locate by layer highlight

Translations 🗺

Funders 🙂

The Lizmap team 🦎


3 months ago

Release Lizmap Web Client 3.6.11

Use only the ZIP file provided in this release called ⚠ If you are using Docker, images are available on Docker Hub 🐋:

  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.6.11
  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.6

Do not forget to go in your QGIS desktop plugin manager and regularly update all your plugins to their latest version 🤗


To be able to run this version of Lizmap Web Client, you need :

  • QGIS Server 3.10 minimum, check the latest monthly bugfix release on the QGIS roadmap
  • Lizmap QGIS Server plugin 2.8.4 minimum
  • QGIS project files targeting at least Lizmap Web Client 3.3 to be displayed


Added ⭐

  • Show warnings if the project has some, when connected as an admin

Changed ♻

  • Update the table of QGIS projects in the administration panel
  • Update limit to 500 000 for the row limit in the attribute table tool

Fixed 🐛

  • Fix the message "Feature not editable" if the user has the right
  • Fix issue about rights for anonymous users
  • Fix language for compact table in a children popup

Translations 🗺

Backend ⛽

  • Enhancing the way Lizmap build Etag and add an Etag to GetKeyValueConfig
  • Upgrade Jelix to version 1.8.8

Funders 🙂

Full changelog between 3.6.10 and 3.6.11:

The Lizmap team 🦎


4 months ago

Release Lizmap Web Client 3.7.5

Use only the ZIP file provided in this release called ⚠ If you are using Docker, images are available on Docker Hub 🐋:

  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.7.5
  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.7

Do not forget to go in your QGIS desktop plugin manager and regularly update all your plugins to their latest version 🤗


To be able to run this version of Lizmap Web Client, you need :

  • QGIS Server 3.22 minimum, check the latest monthly bugfix release on the QGIS roadmap
  • Lizmap QGIS Server plugin 2.8.4 minimum
  • QGIS project files targeting at least Lizmap Web Client 3.4 to be displayed

Automatic testing process

PHP 8.1 8.2
PostgreSQL/PostGIS 14 - 3 15 - 3
QGIS Server 3.22 3.28
QGIS Desktop 3.22 3.28


Fixed 🐛

  • Fix a JavaScript error when loading a map in some locales

Full changelog between 3.7.4 and 3.7.5:

The Lizmap team 🦎


4 months ago

Release Lizmap Web Client 3.7.4

Use only the ZIP file provided in this release called ⚠ If you are using Docker, images are available on Docker Hub 🐋:

  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.7.4
  • docker pull 3liz/lizmap-web-client:3.7

Do not forget to go in your QGIS desktop plugin manager and regularly update all your plugins to their latest version 🤗


To be able to run this version of Lizmap Web Client, you need :

  • QGIS Server 3.22 minimum, check the latest monthly bugfix release on the QGIS roadmap
  • Lizmap QGIS Server plugin 2.8.4 minimum
  • QGIS project files targeting at least Lizmap Web Client 3.4 to be displayed

Automatic testing process

PHP 8.1 8.2
PostgreSQL/PostGIS 14 - 3 15 - 3
QGIS Server 3.22 3.28
QGIS Desktop 3.22 3.28


Added ⭐

  • New JavaScript event when the map state is ready
  • Add HTTP Etag header on the project illustration
  • Display a warning when the CFG file contains some warnings
  • Display the count of warnings in the administrator panel

Changed ♻

  • Publishers can see now "legacy" syntax about actions

Fixed 🐛

  • Fix use of the "Hide checkbox for groups" from the plugin
  • Fix if the layer is explicitly hidden from the legend
  • Forward the state of the legend for categories when printing a QGIS layout
  • Use map projection if the project projection is not well-defined
  • Fix permalink precision to 6 digits if the EPSG:4326
  • Fix display of layers when the map projection has inverted axis
  • Fix display of UI widgets about print and create child object
  • Fix error when there isn't any icon in the GetLegendGraphic from QGIS Server
  • Fix export of drawings due to the map projection
  • Fix CSS issue about blank panel
  • Disable High DPI support
  • Fix print capabilities when "Group as layer" is used

Translations 🗺

Backend ⛽

  • Update Jelix to 1.8.7

Full changelog between 3.7.3 and 3.7.4:

The Lizmap team 🦎