Logary Save

Logs and metrics are one! Professional logging, metrics and analytics for your apps.

Project README


Gitter chat

Twitter: @logarylib
Docs: docs.logary.tech


Logary is a high-performance, structured logging library which you can do health and metrics for .Net.

  • Full support for Structured Logging and tracing following OpenTelemetry's specs
  • F# idiomatic code
  • Using C#? Then Logary.CSharp is for you!
  • Looking for an F# alternative to LibLog? Jump to Logary.Facade.
  • Never throws exceptions
  • Low overhead logging – evaluate your Message only if a level is switched on
  • Supports Hierarchical logging
  • Add metrics to your service/app!
  • A wide range of adapters and targets to choose from!

Created by Henrik Feldt, et al — if you like it, sponsor it!


See docs

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Logary" Project. README Source: causiq/logary
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Last Commit
1 year ago

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