Lunapark Versions Save

🎡 The most advanced visual scripting editor for the web.


1 year ago

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Search menu: Fix search menu location on Chrome
  • Editor performance: Fix performance issue on Chrome


1 year ago

⚠️ Breaking changes

  • Documentation: Move description and example from node documentation to schema

🏗️ Features

  • Editor performance: Vastly improve performance on movement
  • Editor visuals: Improve visuals for high-res screens
  • Editor navigation: Add arrows to locate origin when outside the viewport
  • Documentation: Improved nodes documentation
  • Type inspection: Add description in type inspection
  • Dynamic schemas: Improve available IO for dynamic schemas
  • Lambda nodes: Add lambda functions anchor types
  • Lambda nodes: Add lambda function creation node
  • Lambda nodes: Add lambda function execution node
  • Lambda nodes: Add lambda function browser execution
  • Lambda nodes: Add lambda function compilation
  • Custom types: Add inferred type filling
  • Inferred Type: Custom type inspector can now generate the inferred type
  • Markdown documention: Add markdown support for documentation
  • Documentation scroll: Add remote scroll for node documentation
  • Node search: Search box is now be displayed outside the editor
  • Logic type: Add default value to schema
  • Node execution: Add a spinner when node execution is taking time
  • Animation: Add a config flag to toggle execution animation
  • Loading: Load outputs internals in preview stack

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Auto Input: Fix a bug where string storing long numbers would be approximate
  • Export: Fix a bug where they could be circular references during export
  • Custom types: Fix a bug where type narrowing didn't work for array items
  • Operation nodes: Fix console error when operation node inputs are undefined
  • Complication: Fix a compilation bug for long node methods


1 year ago

⚠️ Breaking changes

  • Node interface: Dynamics now hold inputs and outputs object instead of only schema
  • Logic editor update event: There's no more update event fired on loading the editor

🏗️ Features

  • Logic types: Add second enum type, Record<string, type> is now accepted on top of Array
  • Enum dropdown: Editor enum dropdown now support second enum type
  • Enum dropdown: Editor enum dropdown now display anchor name as placeholder
  • Input anchors: Display hint on hover when anchor name is not visible (when there's an input for ex)
  • Input anchors: Improve input size
  • Output anchors: Now support optional output anchors
  • Node documentation: Now support preformatted documentation
  • Standard lib: The error/try node now output a string/object instead of an error interface
  • Node dynamics: Performance improvement on dynamic params execution
  • String lib: Add template node to easily create concatenated strings
  • Math lib: Add operation node to easily create operations involving variables
  • String anchors: String anchors now default to empty strings instead of undefined
  • String anchors: String anchors now handle \n correctly
  • Value inspection: Display \n as a symbol in a different color
  • Logic editor ready event: New ready event trigger when the editor finished loading
  • Auto type generation: Custom type inspector can now automatically generate a type from a preview value

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Type inspection: Fix type inspection bug when using an empty createObject node
  • Copy/Paste: Now correctly paste nodes internal data
  • Compiler: Fix compilation for logic with empty output
  • Export: Fix export of null values
  • Copy/Paste: Fix copy/paste in Chrome


1 year ago

⚠️ Breaking changes

  • exportLogic: Now returns an object instead of its stringified version.
  • Update node data: Some scripts might need to be open on the editor, then saved to compile properly.

🏗️ Features

  • Compiler overhaul: Big overhaul of the Luna Park compiler.
  • Compiler API: Add compiler API to remotely build code. (available soon)
  • Sandbox: Add a sandbox package to execute code safely. (available soon)
  • Entry node limitation: Limit one entry node creation per graph.
  • LpControls: Add a new lp-controls component to display the navigation controls of Luna Park.
  • LpLogicEditor: Add update event when the editor content is updated.
  • Dynamic build: Add read and write access to the node config data.
  • Web components: Improve web components declarations.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix store instance: Fix a bug where there could be multiple store instances (again).
  • Fix spread compilation: Spread operation nodes now compile as intended.
  • Fix create object compilation: Create object operation nodes now compile as intended.
  • Fix default value compilation: Fix a bug where default values overrode connections.
  • Fix operation argument compilation: Operation nodes with argument now compile as intended.
  • Fix exporter: Fix a bug where exporting a project broke the editor.
  • Fix variable creation: Creating a new variable won't throw an error.


1 year ago

⚠️ Breaking changes

  • getLogicCaller update: The getLogicCaller function require the editor ID as a third argument. See documentation.

🏗️ Features

  • Add hide unused feature: Add feature where you can hide unused pins

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix enum dropdown: Fix dropdown for enum anchor inputs.
  • **Fix optional type inspection **: Fix a bug where the optional interrogation point was missing.
  • Fix value inspection cache: Fix a bug where the preview cached the value and would not update.
  • Fix store instance: Fix a bug where there could be multiple store instances.


1 year ago

⚠️ Breaking changes

  • Standard lib / Create object node: Create object is no longer a function node, but an operation node.
  • Array lib / New array node: New array has changed its key for array/newArray to array/new

🏗️ Features

  • Make stack stores editor-dependent: Stack stores are now isolated, fixing a rare occasional bug when using different editors in the same page.
  • LpLogicEditor: Add lock-zoom parameter to disable zoom when not focused. See documentation.
  • Logic nodes: Add backImage and icon parameters to display custom images on nodes.
  • Anchor types: Improve smart type detection for customizable object output anchors.
  • Anchor types: Improve smart type detection for customizable array output anchors.
  • Anchor types: Add dynamic type for multiple input anchors.
  • Standard lib / Spread node: Display raw property name if no custom name is set.
  • Standard lib / Create object node: Overall improvement, ability to set properties on the creation.
  • Array lib / Create array node: Add an operation node to create an array.
  • Internal: A Lot of internal improvements...

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix store instances: Fix a bug where some stores didn't have the right instance, leading (for example) to inability to set an API key.


1 year ago

⚠️ Breaking changes

  • LpLogicEditor: Replace standalone parameter (true/false) with playground parameter (true/false). See documentation.
  • LpTabStrip: Replace standalone parameter (true/false) with mode parameter (file/tab). See documentation.
  • Remove loadApplication(): This function is now automatically triggered in playground mode.
  • Rename loadStandaloneLogic() to initLogic()
  • Rename getStandaloneCaller() to getLogicCaller()

🏗️ Features

  • Add real-time value inspection: Using Ctrl+Space will display real-time values, not a snapshot of values. You can test it on the landing page second example.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fix standalone/playground mode: When clicking on the graph background, the inspector fired an error and entered a locked state.