MADE.NET Versions Save

MADE.NET is a home to all of those bits of code that you know you'll reuse in another project. Making app development easier with .NET.


6 months ago

What's Changed

This release brings support for .NET 7 & 8, as well as significant increments to package dependencies.

Support for Xamarin specific application code has been removed in this version. UWP support increases to a minimum of the last stable release of Windows 10.

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1 year ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


2 years ago


  • Added Sort and SortDescending extensions for ObservableCollection instances
  • Added IsNullOrEmpty validation extension for IEnumerable instances
  • Added GetValueOrDefault extension for Dictionary instances
  • Removed UWP as target framework (no longer required)

Data Converters

  • Added ToFormattedString extension to bool and nullable bool instances
  • Added ToDelimitedString extension for IEnumerable objects with custom string delimiter option
  • Added ToMeters and ToMiles conversion extensions for double instances
  • Modified the BooleanToStringValueConverter to extract non-platform specific logic out to be used cross-platforms
  • Marked the UWP specific value converters as obsolete and target the UI.Data.Converters library

Data Entity Framework

  • Added Page and column name based OrderBy extensions for Entity Framework Queryable objects to ease the implementation of paginated requests
  • Updated EF Core and EF Core Plus packages to latest versions

Data Serialization

  • Added Data.Serialization library with a service for handling type migrations within JSON files saved with Type information contained within it

Data Validation

  • Added IValidationCollection interface that can be used to create custom validation collection solution and updated the ValidatorCollection implementation to support this
  • Added Base64Validator to ensure a value is a valid bas64 string
  • Added GuidValidator to ensure a value can be parsed as a GUID
  • Added LongitudeValidator and LatitudeValidator to ensure a value is within the expected ranges for lat and long
  • Added MacAddressValidator to ensure a value is a valid MAC address using the .NET PhysicalAddress parser
  • Added PredicateValidator to provide a mechanism to validate objects based on custom validation logic for it
  • Added WellFormedUrlValidator to ensure a value is considered a well-formed URL (https/http/ftp/etc.)
  • Updated BetweenValidator to include Inclusive flag to customize the min/max range of validity
  • Updated the Validate method to virtual to allow custom pre or post validation logic for custom built regular expression validators
  • Removed UWP as target framework (no longer required)

Data Validation for Fluent Validation


  • Added GetPropertyNames extension for object instances to get all the property names from the specified object as a list of strings

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

What's Changed

Added validation support for FluentValidation, and providing the framework to build out for other validation frameworks.

To be tested with MADE for Uno Platform.

Full Changelog:


2 years ago
  • Added AddIf, AddRangeIf, RemoveIf, RemoveRangeIf conditional collection extensions
  • Added Shuffle collection extension for randomly sorting an enumerable
  • Added ToDaySuffix date extension to provide the st, nd, rd, or th day suffix
  • Added Truncate string extension for shortening a value with an ellipsis suffix (...)
  • Added to/from Base 64 string conversion extensions and value converter
  • Updated EntityBase configuration to support setting up the primary key ID
  • Added IsLike string extension for validating a wildcard LIKE style query against a specified value (e.g. "He*")
  • Added JsonResult and controller extensions to support returning the JSON result and internal server error result
  • Added dependency injection extensions for registering included web services such as the user accessor, and exception handling
  • Updated EF NuGet packages to latest versions, supporting .NET 5 & 6 (dropped support for .NET Core 3.1)
  • Added extensions for easily enabling API versioning via URL or header
  • Migrated out Uno Platform / Windows specific components to MADE-Uno

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

What's Changed

Introduced .NET 6 support for the Web and Web MVC projects.

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2 years ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

Packages available on NuGet

What's Changed 🤔

Bump NuGet packages ☝🏻

NuGet packages have been bumped to newer minor releases. These include:

  • Uno [3.9.7 => 3.10.11]
  • EF Core (.NET 5) [5.0.9 => 5.0.11]
  • EF Core (.NET Core 3.x) [3.1.18 => 3.1.20]

More Information 💭

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

Packages available on NuGet


Improved Sample Application 📃

Included in this release is a new, updated sample application built with the Uno Platform 🤩

The sample application is not currently published to any app store but is available within the code base to run up when pulled or forked on a platform of choice.

The sample application is designed to highlight the features that are available throughout the MADE libraries including code samples that can be pulled into your own applications.

New packages ⭐

Taken from a few GitHub projects we've previously maintained and are currently working on, we've created 3 new library packages for you to consume in your applications.

The new packages available are:

  • Foundation for providing safe API checking for MADE types in platform specific areas
  • UI.Views.Dialogs for providing a simple mechanism for launching application dialogs on Windows, Android, iOS, and the Web from anywhere within application code
  • UI.Views.Navigation and UI.Views.Navigation.Mvvm for providing simple page to page navigation approaches following the MVVM pattern

You can find out more about the details of these new packages in our documentation.

Doc improvements ⭐

Changes have been made to the documentation to include API reference documentation, as well as a search functionality to easily find what you're looking for!

Collection package changes ⭐

Included in this release are the following new extension methods from the Collections package:

  • InsertAtPotentialIndex, allowing you to insert an item into a collection at the potential index determined by a predicate.
  • PotentialIndexOf, a simple extension that returns an index for where an item could potentially be inserted into a collection by a predicate.

A new QueryableExtensions class has also been introduced with a Chunk method that allows a queryable object to be chunked in batch sizes.

Data.Converters package changes ⭐

Included in this release is collection of new extension methods for the DateTimeExtensions including:

  • ToNearestHour, allowing rounding a DateTime value to the nearest whole hour
  • StartOfDay, returning a DateTime value based on the provided at the start of the day (e.g. midnight)
  • EndOfDay, returning a DateTime value based on the provided at the end of the day (e.g. 1 tick before midnight)
  • StartOfWeek, returning a DateTime value based on the provided at the start of the week (e.g. The first day of the week at midnight)
  • EndOfWeek, returning a DateTime value based on the provided at the end of the week (e.g. The last day of the week at 1 tick before midnight)
  • StartOfMonth, returning a DateTime value based on the provided at the start of the month (e.g. The first day of the month at midnight)
  • EndOfMonth, returning a DateTime value based on the provided at the end of the month (e.g. The last day of the month at 1 tick before midnight)
  • StartOfYear, returning a DateTime value based on the provided at the start of the year (e.g. The first day of the year at midnight)
  • EndOfYear, returning a DateTime value based on the provided at the end of the year (e.g. The last day of the year at 1 tick before midnight)

Data.EFCore package changes ⭐

Included in this release are the following new extensions methods for DbContext values:

  • TrySaveChangesAsync, attempting to save changes with error handling
  • TryAsync, attempting to perform any action over a DbContext with error handling

The project has also been updated to ensure that the correct platform frameworks are made available in NuGet, i.e. netcoreapp3.1 for EF Core 3 and net5.0 for EF Core 5.

Data.Validation package changes ⭐

Included in this release are the following new extensions methods for comparable values:

  • IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo, for comparing a value is greater than or equal to another
  • IsLessThanOrEqualTo, for comparing a value is less than or equal to another

Also included are two new validators:

  • MaxLengthValidator, for ensuring a value or collection is of a max length
  • MinLengthValidator, for ensuring a value or collection is of a min length

Updated dependencies ⭐

To ensure we keep up-to-date with all the latest changes in our dependencies, this release includes a rev of the following NuGet packages:

  • Uno.UI (3.7.3 -> 3.9.7)
    • Affects UI, UI.Controls.FilePicker, UI.Controls.Validator, UI.Styling, UI.ViewManagement