MadNLP.jl Versions Save

A solver for nonlinear programming


1 month ago

MadNLP v0.8.3

Diff since v0.8.2

Merged pull requests:

  • [hotfix] LDLFactorizations.jl added as dependency (#343) (@sshin23)
  • bump MadNLP version to v0.8.3 (#344) (@sshin23)

Closed issues:

  • Move LDLSolver to weakdeps (#342)


1 month ago

MadNLP v0.8.2

Diff since v0.8.1

Merged pull requests:

  • Add an ordering for cuDSS (#317) (@amontoison)
  • [LinearSolvers] Add support for LDL factorization in CHOLMOD (#321) (@frapac)
  • [MOI] Add support for nonlinear problems without Hessian (#322) (@frapac)
  • Reexport MadNLP from MadNLP/libs (#325) (@sshin23)
  • [MadNLPGPU] Bug fix for empty Hessian (#326) (@sshin23)
  • MadNLPMumps StaticArray dependency removed (#328) (@sshin23)
  • [MOI] fix eval_constraint_jacobian_product (#337) (@frapac)
  • Use GH Action Julia cache (#339) (@michel2323)
  • bump MadNLP version to 0.8.2 (#341) (@sshin23)

Closed issues:

  • JuMP interface with register: AssertionError: d.want_hess error (#318)
  • Running into a weird issue, with the getting started example (#323)
  • CUDSS internal error (invalid argument: inertia correction) (#333)
  • CuCholeskySolver GPU memory leak (#334)
  • User-defined operator JuMP: UndefVarError: ∇f not defined (#336)


2 months ago

MadNLP v0.8.1

Diff since v0.8.0

Merged pull requests:

  • Update TagBot.yml (#308) (@sshin23)
  • Update (#309) (@sshin23)
  • Add logos to documentation (#310) (@sshin23)
  • CuDSS synchronize added (#314) (@sshin23)
  • Introduce linear solvers with version info (#315) (@sshin23)
  • Fix optional arguments in get_index_constraints (#316) (@frapac)
  • Bump MadNLP version to v0.8.1 (#319) (@sshin23)

Closed issues:

  • Display the version number of the linear solver in the logs (#313)


1 year ago

MadNLP v0.7.0

Diff since v0.6.0

Closed issues:

  • LBFGS approximation of the inverse Hessian (#39)
  • Unable to install HSL extension in Windows (#217)

Merged pull requests:

  • CompatHelper: bump compat for NLPModels to 0.20, (keep existing compat) (#252) (@github-actions[bot])
  • CompatHelper: bump compat for NLPModels to 0.20 for package MadNLPTests, (keep existing compat) (#253) (@github-actions[bot])
  • fix version of MadNLPGPU in Project.toml (#255) (@frapac)
  • [MadNLPGPU] Migrate to KernelAbstractions 0.9 (#258) (@frapac)
  • [MadNLPTests] Remove ADNLPModels in deps (#259) (@frapac)
  • Update for JuMP documentation (#260) (@odow)
  • Update for julia v1.9 (#261) (@sshin23)
  • Using HSL_jll instead of custom compile (#263) (@sshin23)
  • bump MadNLP version to 0.7.0 (#266) (@sshin23)


1 year ago

MadNLP v0.6.0

Diff since v0.5.2

Merged pull requests:

  • Add dense BFGS and compact LBFGS algorithms (#221) (@frapac)
  • CompatHelper: bump compat for ADNLPModels to 0.5 for package MadNLPTests, (keep existing compat) (#240) (@github-actions[bot])
  • bump CUDA.jl to 4.0 (#248) (@frapac)
  • bump MadNLP version to 0.6.0 (#251) (@frapac)


1 year ago

MadNLP v0.5.2

Diff since v0.5.1

Closed issues:

  • Invalid number in NLP Hessian Lagrangian detrected / error in MadNLP (#239)
  • MadNLP stucks at an iteration (#242)

Merged pull requests:

  • CompatHelper: bump compat for SolverCore to 0.3, (keep existing compat) (#222) (@github-actions[bot])
  • Remove allocations in callbacks (#230) (@frapac)
  • [TTFS] Replace broadcast operators by explicit for loops in IPM kernels (#231) (@frapac)
  • Ma27 bug fix (#235) (@sshin23)
  • Minor README link fix (#236) (@michel2323)
  • Fix invalid return code in MOI.TerminationStatus (#241) (@odow)
  • Check whether initial KKT is valid before initiating multipliers (#243) (@frapac)
  • Fix infinite loop in feasibility restoration (#244) (@frapac)
  • bump version to 0.5.2 (#246) (@frapac)


1 year ago

MadNLP v0.5.1

Diff since v0.5.0

Closed issues:

  • Number of upper and lower bounded vars are incorrectly reported (#209)
  • Possibly wrong init of dual variables (#214)
  • Test for solve! function (#218)
  • Better error message when invalid number detected (#225)

Merged pull requests:

  • Update (#208) (@baggepinnen)
  • [doc] fix quickstart (#210) (@frapac)
  • [hotfix] Fix detection of upper/lower bounds (#211) (@frapac)
  • Fix solve! with y provided (#215) (@baggepinnen)
  • fix changed names of meta fields (#216) (@baggepinnen)
  • add proper tests for solve! function (#219) (@frapac)
  • Make nlp a concretely typed field in MadNLPSolver (#220) (@baggepinnen)
  • update MOI wrapper (#224) (@frapac)
  • Improve error messages when invalid number is detected (#226) (@frapac)
  • [TTFS] Improve type inference in MadNLP (#227) (@frapac)
  • [TTFS] clean interior-point kernels to improve inference (#228) (@frapac)
  • Add new constructor for custom KKT type (#232) (@frapac)
  • Improve MOI interface (#233) (@sshin23)
  • Bump version to 0.5.1 (#234) (@frapac)


1 year ago

MadNLP v0.5.0

Diff since v0.4.2

Closed issues:

  • Change MadNLP behavior to not delete the entries inside the options' Dict (#178)
  • Implement a proper interface for MadNLPGPU (#179)
  • tril_to_full! function in QR and LU algorithms error on GPU (#181)
  • Add option for specifying the matrix sparsity structure (#183)
  • Change function names (#192)

Merged pull requests:

  • [MadNLPHSL] build improvment (#170) (@sshin23)
  • Remove StrideOneVector alias (#174) (@frapac)
  • Define linear solver as a struct instead of as a module (#175) (@frapac)
  • add HS15Model in MadNLPTests (#184) (@frapac)
  • add CuInteriorPointSolver constructor (#185) (@frapac)
  • Add support for Float32 (#187) (@sshin23)
  • Add support for NLSModels (#190) (@sshin23)
  • [Breaking change] Refactor the way we pass options to MadNLP (#191) (@frapac)
  • Improve code coverage (#193) (@frapac)
  • [Breaking change] Change names to follow JSO conventions (#194) (@sshin23)
  • HSL build hotfix (#196) (@sshin23)
  • CompatHelper: bump compat for ADNLPModels to 0.4 for package MadNLPTests, (keep existing compat) (#197) (@github-actions[bot])
  • [hotfix] Symmetric mul! for dense/condensed KKT systems (#198) (@sshin23)
  • fix: do not overwrite number of threads in BLAS (#199) (@frapac)
  • add functions to decompose the time spent in callbacks/linear solver (#200) (@frapac)
  • [hotfix] Symmetric mul! for GPUs (#201) (@sshin23)
  • fix unscaling of the constraints during post-processing (#202) (@frapac)
  • update README (#203) (@frapac)
  • update documentation (#204) (@frapac)
  • prep for release 0.5.0 (#206) (@frapac)


2 years ago

MadNLP v0.4.2

Diff since v0.4.1

Closed issues:

  • Parameterizing Solver as Solver{T} (#72)
  • MadNLP fails to solve QP on julia-nightly (#166)
  • Failed to precompile MadNLP (#177)

Merged pull requests:

  • Add DenseCondensedKKTSystem (#126) (@frapac)
  • 0.4.1 release patch (#161) (@sshin23)
  • Refactor files' structure in MadNLP (#162) (@frapac)
  • callback bug fix (#164) (@sshin23)
  • AbstractKKTRHS: second attempt (#167) (@frapac)
  • Add support to KernelAbstractions 0.8 (#168) (@frapac)
  • CompatHelper: bump compat for NLPModels to 0.19, (keep existing compat) (#171) (@github-actions[bot])
  • hotfix: print_iter is broken with new AbstractKKTVector (#173) (@frapac)
  • Add proper documentation to MadNLP (#176) (@frapac)
  • prep for 0.4.2 release (#180) (@frapac)


2 years ago

MadNLP v0.4.1

Diff since v0.4.0

Closed issues:

  • Hessian information needed when using user-registered functions in JuMP (#115)
  • MadNLP breaks Julia logging macros (#153)

Merged pull requests:

  • add support to MOI 1.0 (#148) (@frapac)
  • Add interface for custom scaling (#152) (@frapac)
  • Do not overload Logging macros (#154) (@frapac)
  • MadNLPPardisoMKL move to MadNLPPardiso.jl (#157) (@sshin23)
  • ci version up (#158) (@sshin23)
  • Unreduced + inertia-free fix (#159) (@sshin23)
  • Bump MadNLP version to v0.4.1 (#160) (@sshin23)