Mapbox Gl Draw Versions Save

Draw tools for mapbox-gl-js


9 months ago


1 year ago


1 year ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


1 year ago

What's Changed

Full Changelog:


3 years ago
  • ⚠️ Removed GeoJSON validation in draw.add — responsibility for valid input is now on the user. #1052
  • Fixed NPM security warnings about dependencies. #1052
  • Fixed midpoint calculation when terrain is enabled. #1039
  • Reduced the size of the plugin's CSS code from 33KB to 5KB. #1038 (h/t @johanrd)
  • Fixed simple_select mode handling on touch devices. #1008 (h/t @corinv)


3 years ago

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix midpoint calculation when using mapbox-gl-draw with 3d terrain


3 years ago

Bug Fixes:

  • Upgrade peerDependencies to allow [email protected]+ to be used with gl-draw.
  • Update package.json so that usage of library from npm always results in pulling in the built bundle.
  • Remove require()'ing of unsed node builtins like fs and path from the bundle.


3 years ago
  • Upgrade all dependencies
  • Upgrade to Node v12
  • Upgrade to ES6
  • Change bundler to rollup for smaller bundles
  • Switch from Uglify to buble in order to produce better and more compatible code

Bug fixes:

  • Trash correct vertices by changing sort to be numeric-aware #943


4 years ago
  • Upgrade all dependencies
  • Upgrade to Node v12
  • Upgrade to ES6
  • Change bundler to rollup for smaller bundles
  • Switch from Uglify to buble in order to produce better and more compatible code

Bug fixes:

  • Trash correct vertices by changing sort to be numeric-aware (#943)