Mapster Versions Save

A fast, fun and stimulating object to object Mapper


9 months ago

Welp, this is a big one! It's been just over a year since 7.3.0, but in the meantime we've had plenty of time to thoroughly test this release through 6 pre-releases. This release bring support for .NET 7 as well as a fairly long list of bugfixes. Thank you everyone for your contributions! Packages are as usual available on NuGet, along with symbol packages for convenient debugging.

Known issues

  • Unfortunately, #537 continues to be an unsolved issue, but it does not seem to affect a significant amount of users, and workarounds are simple to implement. Any help to trace down the source of this issue will be greatly appreciated.

Backwards compatibility

  • With #454 we introduced a change to the public API -- previously where TypeAdapterConfig was returned, Mapster will now return an ITypeAdapterConfig interface instead. So make sure to check that your build pipelines succeed before merging this upgrade ;) This change makes it easier to mock and test your mappings.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


2 years ago

This release finally resolves the long awaited support for .NET 6.0 in Mapster and Mapster.Tool! 🎉 Fresh packages can be downloaded from NuGet. With this release we also pushed symbol packages for Mapster and Mapster.Tool, so now you can finally step into the inner workings of Mapster when debugging your mappings.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


3 years ago

Mapster [7.2.0], Mapster.Core [1.2.0] feature: RequireDestinationMemberSourc per type pair fix: mapping inherited interface without members causes CompileException

Mapster.Tool [8.2.0] feature: generate record DTO (flag -r) feature: generate dynamic outputs & namespaces (flag -b) feature: support nullable reference for model generation fix: flag p produce invalid name fix: cannot load library with multiple runtime assemblies


3 years ago

Mapster.Async [2.0]

  • Fix nested async (sp thx to @cmann-andagon)

Mapster.EFCore [5.1]

  • Fix passing param for EFCore

Mapster [7.1.5]

  • Small message update

Mapster.Core [1.1.5]

  • Support for new Mapster.Async & Mapster.Tool

Mapster.Tool [8.0.0]

  • BREAKING CHANGES: no more generate projection by default
  • BREAKING CHANGES: ForAllTypesInNamespace will also looking types in subnamespace
  • Fix using types from different assemblies
  • Fix to filter out generated types for ForAllTypesInNamespace


3 years ago
  • Fluent API for code generation
  • support MemberSide for AdaptMemberAttribute
  • fix #293 condition map should return null if dest type is nullable


3 years ago

fix #281 null propagation should return nullable type fix #282 map error on record type with empty ctor


3 years ago
  • Split attributes and helper classes to Mapster.Core (for codegen project)
  • Support C# 9.0 record type
  • [Codegen] Support NET 5.0
  • [Codegen] Fluent API to generate mapping


3 years ago

fix CreateNewIfNull fix UseDestinationValue with collection fix #272 IEnumerable is enumerating twice when adapted to array fix #269 RequireExplicitMapping should validate child mapping fix #266 ProjectToType doesn't work with DI(MapContext)


3 years ago

[mapster] non-generic ProjectToType [mapster] fix #263 fix when source path is Dictionary [mapster] fix #258 enforce cast projection type to prevent EF error [codegen] generate models [codegen] generate extension methods [codegen] support access modifier [sample] codegen sample


3 years ago

fix #256 exclude backing fields from EnableNonPublicMembers fix code generation for Include