Maptile Versions Save

Stata program that makes mapping easy —


7 years ago

Minor bugfix:

  • maptile_geohelp can now display help files for maptile geography templates in console Stata.

Thank you to @dalek2point3 for reporting the issue (#11) issue and @wbuchanan for helping me find the solution.


8 years ago

Major bugfix:

  • Release v1.03 (which wasn't posted to SSC) broke the rangecolor() method of coloring the bins, which is used by default. This release fixes that regression.


8 years ago

Minor bugfix:

  • maptile can now handle RGB color values within the fcolor() option. Doing so also requires installing updated geo template files: all of the templates on the maptile website have been updated.

Thank you to Derrek Grunfelder-McCrank for reporting this issue.

This update may have also fixed a bug preventing maptile from running at all on Stata 12, as reported by Jon Petkun.


8 years ago

Minor feature improvement:

  • Add a twopt() option to pass standard twoway options to spmap. This could always be done (and can still be done) using spopt(), but this wasn't sufficiently evident.


8 years ago

Minor bugfix:

  • maptile is now able to run on datasets containing multiple observations with the same geoid, as long as the geoid is a unique identifier after the if/in options are applied.


9 years ago

Only minor updates from v0.80beta3: no significant changes to the code.

Minor changes:

  • New sections added to Examples section in help file:
    • Formatting titles and legend
    • Subsets of regions
    • Comparisons between groups

Other changes:

  • Demo geo ado-file improved
  • "conus" option added to all US sub-state geos
  • geohelp files generated from Markdown using pandoc-smcl

With this version, maptile was released on the Stata SSC for the first time.


9 years ago
  • Fixed bug with proportional colouring when there are no obs in some bins: previously, resulted in a map colorued all black
  • Added instructions to help file for creating new geographies


9 years ago


9 years ago