Material Components Web Components Versions Save

Material Design Web Components


1 month ago

1.5.0 (2024-05-23)


  • menu: allow customizing scrollbar-width (1bf8b5f)
  • select: make required asterisk optional (8f194a5)
  • textfield: make required asterisk optional (be5bb43)

Bug Fixes

  • button: add part attribute to button (a2b5c91)
  • dialog: focus is trapped for a11y, use no-focus-trap to disable (0aea436)
  • docs: progress.webp not playing (2f0c99a), closes #5569
  • menu: getBoundingClientRect() and getClientRects() not working (e1f9cbc)


2 months ago

1.4.1 (2024-04-15)

Bug Fixes

  • dialog: update info comment with autocomplete -> autofocus (fc4c999)
  • select: opens the menu (7a6cf16)


3 months ago

1.4.0 (2024-03-21)


  • menu: add no-navigation-wrap to fix select accessibility (c6ffd70)
  • typography: add @material/web/typography/md-typescale classes (36dd77e)

Bug Fixes

  • button,fab,chips,labs: text-transform inherits through shadow root (758e615)
  • elevation: expose md-elevation ::part in all components (b74e3dd)
  • elevation: limit elevation transition to box-shadow and opacity (34c0a67)
  • publish .css files for [@import]( (cde649c)
  • rename internal &lt;styles&gt;.css.js to <styles>.css (c35bad0)
  • switch: reflect selected state in input event (8d201e0)
  • tabs: default scroll-behavior: smooth not working (274ce3e), closes #5497
  • textfield: no longer inherits text-align from parents (668f0ee), closes #5509
  • typography: rename md-typescale.js to md-typescale-styles.js (1e47fd7)
  • use explicit CSSResult[] types for static styles (ce41b7b)


4 months ago

1.3.0 (2024-02-22)


  • add --md-sys-shape-* tokens for all components (41bac9e)
  • tabs: expose activeTabIndex (4bce86d), closes #5297
  • tokens: add component custom properties to Sass values (feff721)

Bug Fixes

  • icon: fix uncentered icons when using WCAG text spacing overrides (b23e321)
  • labs: hasConstructed and constructor deprecated, changing tabIndex update in connectedCallback (fb086bb)
  • labs: removing hasConstructed and setting privateIsConstructed to handle setting tabIndex (ea518d0)
  • labs: update tabIndex once the element is connected to the DOM (a6b8c09)
  • menu: left arrow in submenu closes submenu in closure (2049323)
  • remove :host-context rtl selectors (f2ff867)


5 months ago

1.2.0 (2024-01-24)


  • select: add keyboard support for arrow end and home (8912019)
  • select: add menuAlign to allow end-aligning the select menu (50a9ffa)
  • select: support width fit-content (4bb9418)
  • textfield: add no-spinner to remove number spin buttons (3c6e550)

Bug Fixes

  • button: add missing sass imports (37fad06)
  • chips: filter's click.preventDefault() not working when also updating selected (5dc870b)
  • dialog: buttons not reflecting value attribute when setting property (35913a6), closes #5409
  • dialog: immediate escape key not firing cancel event in Chrome 120 (be3dc6f), closes #5313
  • dialog: text is now selectable (4ae9db6)
  • forms correctly focus the first invalid control instead of last (7dd7a68)
  • labs: add card support for high contrast mode (53ec44b)
  • labs: card content not clickable with outline fix (9c5cff8), closes #5312
  • menu: --md-menu-item-container-color not working (86bd6f8)
  • progress: prevent unnecessary animation to run when not visible (4de5e74)
  • rename and move internal/controller/events (eca1357)
  • ripple: multiple touches causing ripples to start from center (cef1b74), closes #5349
  • select: allow aria-expanded to be set to false (73725be), closes #5360
  • select: clicking select toggles the menu rather than just open (043bbad)
  • select: ensure md-select selection logic uses fresh DOM references (8942715)
  • select: expose SelectOption interface (edb3559)
  • slider: move ripple and focus ring beneath handle (68b078b)
  • slider: nested dir attributes do not break on chrome 120+ (57168f6)
  • tabs: --md-elevation-level no longer leaks into tabs (ddf1fb0), closes #5137
  • tabs: tabs.scrollToTab() not working (eb7c17e)
  • textfield: counter showing when max length is 0 or removed (9973b90)
  • textfield: error styles not removing when an unrelated control is invalid (3151fd8)
  • textfield: focus style lost after reportValidity() during change (6efc904)
  • textfield: remove Firefox high contrast mode background on linux (926edfb)
  • tokens: moved '_values.scss' to 'internal/_values.scss' (b986b1e)

Performance Improvements

  • ripple: don't process events in high contrast mode (839667d)


6 months ago

1.1.1 (2023-12-13)

Bug Fixes

  • formAssociated disabled attribute not working (ab04299)


6 months ago

1.1.0 (2023-12-12)


  • chips: add filter chip selected-icon slot to customize checkmark (89b4c2e)
  • chips: add tokens to customize padding (c9e8de0)
  • chip: trailing remove icon can now be customized (b44b90c)
  • chip: trailing remove icon can now be customized (49a6be1)
  • chip: trailing remove icon can now be customized (76883cd)
  • menu,select: allow menu and select typeahead to read default slot text content (af49b64)
  • menu: add document-level positioning (2b591ca), closes #5120
  • menu: add popover functionality (7859b39), closes #2023 #5120
  • radio: add required constraint validation (b5686ea), closes #4316
  • select: match menu width to select and introduce clamp-menu-width (a5a40b6)
  • switch: add slot icons (9255be1)

Bug Fixes

  • 5182: dialog icon padding error (257e9c6)
  • add @material/web@nightly publishes (91c1221)
  • behaviors: add focusable behavior to labs (d1ef1fe)
  • behaviors: validation not reporting when form tries to submit (c53a419)
  • button: allow overriding cursor using CSS (798f5ae)
  • button: allow overriding min-width and user-select (1852238)
  • button: allow overriding padding and gap (5bb4a42)
  • button: don't show overflowing labels (8dcb3f6)
  • button: height increases when label wraps (7cd657b)
  • button: labels not truncating, add support for multiline with text-wrap: wrap (5d964ad)
  • button: sometimes submits form even when click listener prevents default (9e3f080), closes #5032
  • checkbox: checked and indeterminate not updated during input event (e78a52f)
  • chip: disabled attribute prevents click event. (2dba006)
  • chip: disabled attribute prevents click event. (d501ddd)
  • chip: make tap highlight transparent (c3bfbaa)
  • Circular progress isn't circular in flex column display (075119c)
  • docs: prepare docs generator for mixin version of lit analyzer (5e0000a)
  • fab: make tap highlight transparent (4e8053d)
  • filter-chip: reflect correct value on click event (0b4d4c2)
  • list-item: hide headline overflow and fix width. (4697407)
  • list-item: make tap highlight transparent (cca0789)
  • menu: declare popover API types (bf8d3f6)
  • menu: declare popover property type on HTMLElement (3d8c7ac)
  • menu: escape not closing menus with submenus (bd88880)
  • menu: shift tab into anchor closes menu (c4cbd36)
  • progress: allow linear progress to fill flex containers (a450e42), closes #5042
  • segmented-button: make tap highlight transparent (e4728bd)
  • select,textfield: native form validation shows error state (6b5ab21)
  • select: focus() delegates properly, focus on reporting validity (897d977)
  • select: form failure no longer throws non-focusable error (a5a6974), closes #5078
  • select: select menu render is over most stacking contexts with popover (a2b3204)
  • tabs: allow changing tab padding (dd005df)
  • tabs: fields intended to be accessed from templates must be exported (b7be1cb)
  • text-field: wrap text in textarea (4fce487)


8 months ago

1.0.1 (2023-10-18)

Bug Fixes

  • catalog: align one liners to center (fbc1fa6)
  • catalog: center items in blockquotes (5235b3e)
  • checkbox: cursor should be pointer when not disabled (18fe451), closes #5079
  • fab: cursor should be pointer (5280c6e), closes #5017
  • list: list items will not escape their parent when parent width is restricted (4b00a95)
  • list: show pointer cursor for button list items (16480d0), closes #5045
  • md-item: exclude start slot from hidden overflow (5607059)
  • md-item: exclude start slot from hidden overflow (e087141)
  • menu,select: enter clicks href items (8ae8c02)
  • menu: fix menu item fade in order animation (73eb15e), closes #5014
  • menu: fix menu OOB from resizing window (863109e), closes #5063
  • menu: fix menu tapping behaviors on iOS and do not close on anchor click (8bbb4b4)
  • menu: fix submenu SSR left keyboard close navigation (d6f7220)
  • radio: cursor should be pointer except when disabled (7779987)
  • select: cursor on select options should be pointer (ff250dc), closes #5066
  • slider: slider knob has size to drag on ios safari (6298cd2), closes #5016
  • switch: cursor should be pointer except when disabled (9a3ff28), closes #5075
  • tabs: revert isTab check so it is possible to create your own tab (db3c865)
  • tabs: revert isTab check so it is possible to create your own tab (e10186e)
  • tabs: use md-tab attribute to brand individual tab children (8ec0813)
  • textfield: calling focus on textfield with a leading icon focuses the input (8f999d4)
  • textfield: forward the multiple field to the native input (03e5a7e), closes #5064
  • textfield: missing focused left border for textarea in HCM (9194cc9)
  • tabs: use md-tab attribute to brand individual tab children


  • fix(tabs)!: use md-tab attribute to brand individual tab children (d1f3887)
  • pardon the mess, "use md-tab attribute to brand individual tab children" is not a breaking change (43af3ba)


9 months ago

1.0.0 (2023-09-26)


  • list: the new ListController behavior no longer waits for event.preventDefault asynchronously because it was causing keyboard navigations to scroll the page.
  • list: <md-list-item> now uses slots instead of properties and has removed many prescriptive items (such as avatar, image, and video items). The default slot can be used for any custom content. html <md-list-item> <div slot="overline">OVERLINE</div> <div slot="headline">First line</div> <div slot="supporting-text">Second+ lines</div> <div slot="trailing-supporting-text">Trailing</div> <md-icon slot="start">star</md-icon> <md-icon slot="end">star</md-icon> </md-list-item> Add type="button" or type="link" for interactive list items.
  • menu: Several enums in menu had their values changed from SCREAM_CASE to kebab-case to follow style guide. They are NAVIGABLE_KEYS -> NavigableKey, SELECTION_KEY -> SelectionKey, CLOSE_REASON -> CloseReason, KEYDOWN_CLOSE_KEY -> KeydownCloseKey
  • menu,select: refactor fixed property to positioning="fixed" in Menu and menuFixed to menuPositioning="fixed"
  • menu: This change refactors menu-item to no longer subclass or import from list-item. It also refactors it to use md-item directly which means that the API of menu item has moved from properties to slots. start-* and end-* slots are now just start and end, many tokens are now gone in favor of slotting. headline property is now a slot="headline" slot. Typeahead search text can now be set via typeaheadText which defaults to the slotted headline textContent. select-option now has the displayText which is used to display text in the md-select when the option is selected; defaults to the slotted headline textContent.
  • menu: We have deleted md-sub-menu-item. Instead it is recommended to use md-sub-menu which can have md-menu-item[slot=item] and md-menu[slot=menu] slotted into it. This makes sub-menu-item accessible for screen readers using linear navigation
  • menu: Menu no longer uses md-list internally which means the list-related properties such as list-tabindex and type should now be on the host of md-menu. The new attributes should be tabindex and role respectively.
  • iconbutton: Replace container-size tokens with container-width and container-height.
  • list: the noninteractive property has been replaced by the interactive property, and by default, a list-item will no longer show a ripple or focus ring. What to change:
    • To preserve prior default behavior, add the interactive attribute explicitly.
    • Any setting of a truthy noninteractive attribute or property can be removed as it's the new default behavior.
  • menu: rename corner and focus state values lowercase with dashes
  • chips: chips now follow the aria toolbar pattern. Chip sets are toolbars and chips are buttons or links. Filter chips are toggle buttons. What to change:
    • Remove type attribute from <md-chip-set> (you can mix and match chip types!)
    • Remove single-select from <md-chip-set>. Use JS to control filter chips if single selection is required. Radio filter chips will come in a future update.
    • Disabled chips CAN be focused with the keyboard if always-focusable is set.
    • Filter chips no longer dispatch a "selected" event. Listen to "click" and use instead.
    • ArrowUp and ArrowDown no longer navigate between chips. These are reserved for chip actions, like dropdown menu chips.
  • list,menu,select: the data-variant=".." selectors in list-item and all variants have been removed in favor of their respective slots. e.g. a slotted icon of the form md-icon[slot=end][data-variant=icon] should now be md-icon[slot=end-icon].
  • menu: menu selected container color changed to secondary-container
  • list:
  • list: Aria and roles on List have been moved to the host element. list-tabindex attribute should be migrated to tabindex attribute. type attribute should be migrated to role attribute.
  • list,menu,select: removed active from list-item, menu-item, and select-option. Instead, List uses tabindex to track whether something is focusable.
  • select: option.selected no longer reflects. Set the attribute instead if relying on the attribute for styles/queries.
  • dialog: if overriding margin on a dialog's content, swap it to padding. If a dialog's slotted first or last child has built-in margin (such as <h3> or <p>), remove the top/bottom margin as needed (since margin swapped to padding, there's no more margin collapsing).
  • tabs: Rename the selected index property on md-tabs to activeTabIndex (active-tab-index attribute). Rename select-on-focus to auto-activate
  • typography: composite -type tokens are no longer supported. Use discrete -font, -size, -line-height, and -weight tokens instead.
  • tabs: replace label-text-type tokens with -font, -size, -line-height, and -weight
  • tabs: rename selected to active for primary and secondary tabs.
  • textfield: replace slot names leadingicon and trailingicon with leading-icon and trailing-icon
  • select: replace leadingicon and trailingicon slot names with leading-icon and trailing-icon
  • navigationtab: change slot names activeIcon and inactiveIcon to active-icon and inactive-icon


  • chips: swap to toolbar a11y pattern (16bfac1)
  • iconbutton: update tokens to v0.192 (e8b5b29)
  • item: add &lt;md-item&gt; layout component (ffe4f79)
  • items: add &lt;md-item&gt; to @material/web/labs (b35212a)
  • list,menu,select: add slots for specific slotted variants (ed68995)
  • menu: create a Menu interface for easier md-menu wrapping (5fad4f0)
  • menu: do not close menu if anchor is clicked (c7c276f)
  • menu: implement md-sub-menu (54fbb2e)
  • menu: menus will resize and flip corners to stay in viewport (235a203)
  • menu: update tokens to v0.192 (94b5c81)
  • select: add required and form association (4ad2336), closes #4903
  • tabs: add tabs property to retrieve tab elements (bf48fc3)
  • typography: add typography Sass APIs (8e480de)

Bug Fixes

  • aria polyfill overrides user values and user values override internals values (8aa4faf)
  • catalog: remove TODO from home page (af27ff8)
  • dialog: change content margin to padding (8613fe6)
  • dialog: not delegating focus in closure (375b766)
  • iconbutton: allow prevent default click for toggles (ed539c6), closes #4857
  • iconbutton: fix HCM disabled opacity and outlined (1163315)
  • linearprogress: linear progress buffer dots now visible in HCM (70bfea8)
  • list,menu: clicking items in a list followed by keyboard nav functions as expected (af171df)
  • list,menu: list items left right keyboard navigation (fad6104)
  • list: list items are now noninteractive by default (3b5cbc4)
  • list: text items are no longer tabbable, links cannot be disabled (54c4ddb)
  • list: update tokens to 0.192 (58539b1)
  • menu,select: fix final aria issues (aeb5103)
  • menu: allow submenus to close when focus is lost (7a19c7e)
  • menu: apply padding to dividers per spec (df52d92)
  • menu: expose item custom properties and fix selected color (d27ef2e)
  • menu: fix submenus on mobile (368991c)
  • menu: menu's default focus behavior follows google accessibility practices (2927245)
  • menu: update default min width to spec and allow max-width to inherit (2e25bf8)
  • navigationtab: change slot names activeIcon and inactiveIcon to active-icon and inactive-icon (f019ac3)
  • radio: dispatches input event on select (e444de3)
  • select: change slot names to kebab-case (059dad5)
  • select: don't reflect selected attribute (573caae)
  • select: select can reopen when animation interrupted (78e7c17)
  • select: update select docs and fix initial selection (5e4434b)
  • slider: border should only appear when handle nubs are overlapping (6e72a8e)
  • slider: label should not changed size when stacked (b50d5c8)
  • slider: make tickmarks visible when slider is disabled (e9d1e7d)
  • tabs: a11y and tabs sometimes not activating (58f2446)
  • tabs: remove font shorthand tokens (88eb175)
  • tabs: remove previously selected tab property (70ce0d2)
  • tabs: remove public indicator property (d296316)
  • tabs: rename tab selected to active (23b291b)
  • tabs: scrollable divider not taking up full width (a0fca90)
  • tabs: setting active on tab selects them (1442f9b)
  • textfield,focus,ripple: fix textfield SSR (f576b60)
  • textfield: add demo a11y and fix outlined label navigation (7866a93)
  • textfield: broken required validity on Safari (c26a578), closes #4796
  • textfield: change slot names to kebab-case (82e9e92)
  • textfield: don't show focus indicator when focused on icon (61c8f6d)
  • textfield: remove icon that appears in search input in chrome and safari (86aaacd)
  • tokens: generate tokens v0.192 (116b448)
  • tokens: update components to v0.192 (cfd053c)

Miscellaneous Chores

Code Refactoring

  • list,menu,select: remove active concept and now parent controls tabIndex and focus (d446315)
  • list,menu,select: remove data-variant slotted variant selectors (1f31df8)
  • list: move list aria to host (9447ec7)
  • list: refactor list to reuse ListController (6d0c7e8)
  • list: refactor list using md-item (7536774)
  • menu,select: rename fixed to positioning (63b0142)
  • menu: pull logic out of menuitem into a controller & change enum vals (1217b62)
  • menu: refactor menu-item to use md-item and not rely on md-list-item (2a1d877)
  • menu: remove sub-menu-item in favor of sub-menu (d6cbf74)
  • menu: rename corner and focus state values lowercase with dashes (6e54048)
  • menu: update menu to use host-aria (0384507)


9 months ago

1.0.0-pre.17 (2023-09-06)


  • slider: replace label-text-type tokens with -font, -size, -line-height, and -weight. Additionally, rename label-label-* tokens to a single label-*
  • list: replace *-type font tokens with -font, -size, -line-height, and -weight
  • chips: replace label-text-type tokens with label-text-font, -size, -line-height, and -weight
  • text-field,select: replace *-type font tokens with -font, -size, -line-height, and -weight
  • fab: replace label-text-type tokens with -font, -size, -line-height, and -weight
  • dialogs: replace headline-text-type and supporting-text-type tokens with -font, -size, -line-height, and -weight
  • button: replace label-text-type tokens with label-text-font, -size, -line-height, and -weight
  • circularprogress: make default width 4px
  • textfield: The field component must add the resizable attribute rather than using CSS. CSS resize can still customize the direction (defaults to both).
  • list,menu,select: menu harnesses will not automatically open menus in quick mode anymore and interactions in menu and list harnesses will not automatically go to the first item but rather the menu roots.
  • iconbutton: change slot="selectedIcon" to slot="selected" for toggle icon buttons.
  • tabs: secondary tabs always have inline icons
  • tabs: remove variant attributes and change md-tab to md-primary-tab, or md-secondary-tab if using `variant="secondary"
  • menu: allow anchoring with idref string and set element ref on anchorElement
  • tokens: Change "radio-button" and "progress-indicator" Sass token APIs to "radio" and "progress". This matches the tag names of their components.
  • tabs: Remove --md-*tab-divider tokens and use md-tabs::part(divider) and --md-divider-* tokens
  • tabs: tabs cannot be disabled per spec. If disabled tabs are required, use pointer-events: none and CSS to style them.
  • iconbutton: change visibility of willUpdate to protected


  • color: add color folder for md-sys-color theming APIs (cdd9b26)
  • color: add color folder for md-sys-color theming APIs (87af9aa)
  • focus,ripple: allow setting element.control = elementRef (1e7aff5)
  • menu: allow anchoring with idref string and set element ref on anchorElement (5ba348d)
  • select: dispatch select-(open|close)(ing|ed) events (1a1fb93), closes #4798
  • switch: add required and form validity (9694191)

Bug Fixes

  • add aria-hidden="true" to ripple, focus ring, and elevation (2295f12)
  • badge: center align value text (cc195a9)
  • button: remove font shorthand tokens (8894c20)
  • button: update demos to fix a11y (4b61e8d)
  • chips: apply cursor styling (9389e26)
  • chips: linear navigation not working in VoiceOver (dfc87f3)
  • chips: remove font shorthand tokens (87ad1da)
  • circularprogress: make default width 4px (c864d3b)
  • dialog, select: allow fixed selects to render correctly in dialogs (d6aa6b2)
  • dialog: content not displaying on Safari (9b7647b), closes #4728
  • dialog: not showing if opened before connected (d25c5e9), closes #4728
  • dialogs: remove font shorthand tokens (81e11e0)
  • fab: remove font shorthand tokens (f77ee36)
  • iconbutton: change visibility of willUpdate to protected (dffff2d)
  • iconbutton: rename selectedIcon slot to selected (9647f5e)
  • iconbutton: update demos to fix a11y (a9091fe)
  • labs: remove font shorthand tokens (acd40a2)
  • list,menu: restrict type to only supported aria roles (32a8c44)
  • list: remove font shorthand tokens (ca2cd56)
  • list: remove internal md3-* class prefix (641142d)
  • menu,list,select: do not stopPropagation on native events when handled only prevent default (b85b57f)
  • radio: make host radio role to fix a11y (0711f8c)
  • ripple and focus ring not centered in Safari (0e8afc0)
  • select, menu: allow item selection while animation is running in non-overflow contexts (b905807)
  • select: announce typeahead selection when select is closed (2c892c4)
  • slider: display tick marks when forced-colors is active (2f9cc20)
  • slider: remove font shorthand tokens (6988a49)
  • tabs: add nocollapse so isTab doesn't get minified (17ddcd3)
  • tabs: incorrect layout and primary indicator width (0467c48)
  • tabs: make indicator animation faster (b542d2a)
  • tabs: remove disabled tabs (d18db2a)
  • tabs: remove divider tokens in favor of md-divider (13690a3)
  • tabs: secondary tabs always have inline icons (6b2955b)
  • tabs: split md-tab into md-primary-tab and md-secondary-tab (5b13b5c)
  • tabs: use instanceof to check for a Tab (58497f1)
  • testing: harness not applying :active to parents (327eeaf)
  • testing: remove font shorthand tokens (01a99a5)
  • text-field,select: remove font shorthand tokens (0c5a2a2)
  • textfield: don't transition colors when disabling (11cc472)
  • textfield: line breaks not visible in Firefox (541c0e9), closes #4581
  • textfield: show overflowing content like popups and focus rings (ecac7ec), closes #4071
  • textfield: textarea resize handle overlapping outline (cdd2ea6)
  • tokens: rename token override files (59c44fc)


  • feat(color): add color folder for md-sys-color theming APIs (a528393)

Miscellaneous Chores


  • list,menu,select: clean up internal testing patterns from harnesses (fcfc696)