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Mergo: merging Go structs and maps since 2013


1 year ago

This PR is a release containing 0.3.15 features but changing the module URL to

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1 year ago

This release doesn't contain code changes.

After 10 years, with many corner cases covered, very few issues pending (at least, comparing them with the usage of the library as part of Docker, Kubernetes, Datadog's agent, etc.), and a very stable API, I think it's time to release a 1.0.0 version.

This version will be released under a vanity URL:

PS: although I'll make sure that will be available, I'm going to also change my GitHub handle, so expect for a few minutes to not be able to pull from as I fork it from the new handle to the old one.

PS2: I'm creating a discussion for this release to make sure we can have a conversation around the topic, and anything else about Mergo that you care about.


1 year ago


1 year ago


2 years ago

What's Changed

New Contributors

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3 years ago

Thanks to @abicky and @ndeloof to help to improve Mergo. They fixed issues #90 & #174.


3 years ago


3 years ago

After the broken 0.3.9, I decided to revert the faulty PR #105, reopening the issues #90 and #103. Also, this release includes all the other pending bugs. As it is getting harder to modify the codebase, I decided to freeze it. I'm going to merge only PRs fixing bugs with proper tests.

On the other hand, I will start a new cleanroom implementation. Existing tests will be reviewed and used as "test subjects". Also, I plan to collect real-world examples to use them also as "test subjects" in a separate repository.

In this process, I would like to work from the bottom to the top, focusing on getting the core right. I plan to keep a legacy compatibility layer, but the new API may differ from the current one to allow better maintenance and new features.


4 years ago


4 years ago