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Mergo: merging Go structs and maps since 2013


8 years ago

Since last release official release was at April 2015, I feel there is a need for a new release. Mergo has been included in Docker and Terraform since then and several PRs have been merged.


9 years ago

Mergo is intended to assign only zero value fields on destination with source value. Since April 6th it works like this. Before it didn't work properly, causing some random overwrites. After some issues and PRs I found it didn't merge as I designed it. Thanks to imdario/mergo#8 overwriting functions were added and the wrong behavior was clearly detected.

If you were using Mergo before April 6th 2015, please check your project works as intended after updating your local copy with go get -u I apologize for any issue caused by its previous behavior and any future bug that Mergo could cause (I hope it won't!) in existing projects after the change (release 0.2.0).


9 years ago


10 years ago