Mne Bids Versions Save

MNE-BIDS is a Python package that allows you to read and write BIDS-compatible datasets with the help of MNE-Python.


1 month ago

What's Changed

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7 months ago

What's Changed

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10 months ago

What's Changed

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1 year ago

What's Changed

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1 year ago

This is a patch release only.


1 year ago

What's Changed

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2 years ago

Major enhancements

  • We now have experimental support for fNIRS data (SNIRF format). This is still super fresh, and the respective BIDS enhancement proposal (BEP) has not yet been finalized & accepted into the standard. However, we’re excitied to be able to do this first step towards fNIRS support!
  • Numerous improvements have been added to enhance our support for various coordinate frames, including those that are not yet supported by MNE-BIDS. These changes are mostly relevant to iEEG users. Please see the detailed list of changes below.
  • We have added support for storing and reading multiple anatomical landmarks (“fiducials”) for the same participant. This makes it possible, for example, to store different sets of landmarks for each recording session. It’s now possible to store Neuroscan (CNT) files with MNE-BIDS.

What's Changed

New Contributors

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2 years ago

Notable changes

  • 🧠 Compatibility with MNE-Python 0.24!
  • 👻 Anonymize an entire BIDS dataset via mne_bids.anonymize_dataset!
  • 🏝 Conveniently turn a path into a BIDSPath via get_bids_path_from_fname!
  • 🏎 :func:mne_bids.stats.count_events and mne_bids.BIDSPath.match are operating much faster now!
  • 🔍 write_raw_bids now stores the names of the input files in the source column of *_scans.tsv, making it easier for you to go back to the source should you ever need to!


2 years ago

Notable changes

  • You can now write preloaded and potentially modified data with mne_bids.write_raw_bids by passing allow_preload=True. This is a first step towards supporting derivative files.
  • mne_bids.BIDSPath now has property getters and setters for all BIDS entities. What this means is that you can now do things like bids_path.subject = '01' instead of bids_path.update(subject='01').
  • We now support Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) data.
  • The way we handle anatomical landmarks was greatly revamped to ensure we're always using the correct coordinate systems. A new function, mne_bids.get_anat_landmarks, helps with extracting fiducial points from anatomical scans.
  • When creating a BIDS dataset from FIFF files on macOS and Linux, MNE-BIDS can now optionally generate symbolic links to the original files instead of copies. Simply pass symlink=True to mne_bids.write_raw_bids. This can massively reduce the storage space requirements.


3 years ago

Notable changes

  • Channel names in *_channels.tsv and *_electrodes.tsv files now always take precedence over the names stored in the raw files.
  • When reading data where the same trial type refers to different trigger values, we will now automatically create hierarchical event names in the form of trial_type/value1, `trial_type/value2`` etc.
  • :func:mne_bids.write_raw_bids now allows users to specify a format conversion via the new format parameter.
  • Various improvements to data reading and :class:mne_bids.BIDSPath make working with real-life data easier.
  • Many bug fixes in :func:mne_bids.write_raw_bids and in the MNE-BIDS Inspector.