Modular App Core Save

Core implementations for a modular Android App

Project README


Core implementations for a modular Android App This repo contains core implementations for a Modular Android App

Inspired from n26 Engineering
Special thanks to Mustafa Berkay Mutlu


This repository is created to publish core implementations for a Modular Android App

- core
- core_presentation
- core_domain
- core_data

Core module contains classes which can be used in every layer, such as injection annotations, injection scopes, error factories, data holder models. Core presentation, includes core module and classes which can be used in other features presentation modules such as base ui classes, generic RecyclerView Adapter, ViewModel factories etc. Core data includes core module and domain specific interfaces such as Interactors. Core Data also includes core module, data source interfaces, default request interceptors and api module.

Tech Stack

  • Modularization
  • Kotlin
  • Clean Architecture
  • MVVM
  • Kotlin Coroutines
  • Dagger2
  • Retrofit2
  • Architecture Components
  • Lifecycle Aware Components
  • Repository Pattern
  • Android Jetpack
  • Kotlin DSL
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Modular App Core" Project. README Source: savepopulation/modular-app-core