Mongoose Os Save

Mongoose OS - an IoT Firmware Development Framework. Supported microcontrollers: ESP32, ESP8266, CC3220, CC3200, STM32F4, STM32L4, STM32F7. Amazon AWS IoT, Microsoft Azure, Google IoT Core integrated. Code in C or JavaScript.

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Mongoose OS - an IoT Firmware Development Framework

  • Over-The-Air firmware updates and remote management - reliable updates with rollback on failures, remote device access infrastructure
  • Security - built in flash encryption, crypto chip support, ARM mbedTLS optimized for small memory footprint
  • Device management dashboard service
  • Supported microcontrollers: CC3220, CC3200, ESP32, ESP8266, STM32F4, STM32L4, STM32F7
  • Recommended dev kits: ESP32-DevKitC for AWS IoT, ESP32 Kit for Google IoT Core
  • Built-in integration for AWS IoT, Google IoT Core, Microsoft Azure, Adafruit IO, generic MQTT servers
  • Code in C or JavaScript
  • Ready to go Apps and Libraries
  • Embedded JavaScript engine - mJS

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Docs, Support


Mongoose OS is Open Source and dual-licensed:

  • Mongoose OS Community Edition - Apache License Version 2.0
  • Mongoose OS Enterprise Edition - Commercial License

Community vs Enterprise Edition

Community Edition Enterprise Edition
License Apache 2.0 Commercial - contact us
Allows to close end-product's source code Yes Yes
Price Free Paid, see details
Source code & functionality Limited Full
Technical support Community support via Forum and Chat Commercial support by Mongoose OS development team, see details

How to contribute

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Mongoose Os" Project. README Source: cesanta/mongoose-os
Open Issues
Last Commit
6 months ago

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