Mov Ebx Discord Scripts Save

A collection of scripts written by me, for the Discord platform. Includes a launcher which allows you to easily launch and use any of them.

Project README

Discord Scripts/Multi-Tool

Collection of scripts written by me for the Discord platform

While I did my best to make these scripts undetectable, you may get terminated from Discord as these scripts violate the Discord Terms of Service.

Python 3.10 GitHub license

How do you use the scripts?

While you can use each script indivdually in the scripts directory, the easiest way to use the scripts, is by using the launcher. The launcher is available in the Releases tab.

All you need is Python installed and the necessary requirements. I wrote the scripts in Python 3.10.6, so I'd recommend you install that version. However, later versions should work too.

How can I integrate the scripts in my projects?

You can easily integrate the scripts in your project, just make sure to follow the license!

Each script has a function inside of it called "run" which can be called with the necessary parameters.

Here's an example on how to integrate an example script in your project:

import scripts.example"discord token", "other parameter")

There is also a dictionary in all the scripts which has all the parameters, along with a string which has the description:

import scripts.example
print(example.params) # Parameters
print(example.desc) # Description
Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Mov Ebx Discord Scripts" Project. README Source: mov-ebx/discord-scripts

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