Movingpandas Versions Save

Movement trajectory classes and functions built on top of GeoPandas


1 year ago

New features:

Includes fixes and enhancements for:

Behind the scenes:


1 year ago

Published at

New features:

  • #37 New minimum and Hausdorff distance measures
  • #233 New functions to add a timedelta column and get the trajectory sampling interval

Includes fixes and enhancements for:

Behind the scenes:


2 years ago

Published at

New features:

Includes fixes and enhancements for:

  • #178 Exposed StoneSoup import warning to user if this optional dependency is missing
  • #183 Addressed FutureWarnings
  • #186 Optimized stop point detection by avoiding re-creating shapely objects
  • #189 Support for custom geometry column names
  • #196 Ensured that add_direction doesn't add extra columns
  • Proper geo=False handling to improve working with local non-geographic coordinates

Behind the scenes:


2 years ago

Published at

New features:

  • #15 First trajectory smoothing algorithm: Kalman filter with constant velocity model based on StoneSoup
  • #128 First spatiotemporal trajectory generalization algorithm: Top-Down Time Ratio algorithm proposed by Meratnia & de By (2004) ported from MovinPy
  • #129 First trajectory cleaning algorithm: Outlier cleaner ported from MovinPy
  • #165 New convenience function showing library versions

Includes fixes and enhancements for:

  • #152 Faster length of the diagonal of the minimum rotated rectangle
  • #151 Customizable speed column name
  • #147 Filter TrajectoryCollection by trajectory duration
  • #124 Add option for splitting trajectories by hour
  • #160 Faster TrajectoryCollection aggregation

Behind the scenes:

  • #168 We have moved testing from Travis to Github Actions
  • #143 Sources are now linted using flake8 and black


2 years ago

Published at

Includes fixes and enhancements for:

  • #118 Handle get_linestring_between "ValueError: cannot set a single element with an array"
  • #112 Remove hard-coded geometry col name
  • #119 Raise an error if the input GeoDataFrame doesn't have a datetime index
  • #121 Fix TrajectoryStopDetector.get_stop_points to check if len(stops) > 0
  • #137 Improve file reading convenience
  • #133 Document units for TrajectorySplitter args


3 years ago

Published at

Includes fixes and enhancements for:

  • #114 Add conversions to GeoDataFrame
  • #115 Warning & wrong min/max values in TrajectoryCollection.plot
  • #117 Clip and intersection should return TrajectoryCollection


3 years ago

Published at

Includes fixes for:

  • #104 Clip with Polygon causes IndexError: list index out of range
  • #101 StopSplitter Error
  • #90 TrajectoryCollection plotter alters speed column


3 years ago

Published at

New features:

  • TrajectorySplitter
  • TrajectoryStopDetector


3 years ago


4 years ago