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Nexus3 Disaster Recovery (N3DR) is a tool that is capable of downloading all artifacts from a Nexus3 server and to migrate them to another one.

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Nexus3 Disaster Recovery (N3DR).

Backup or Migrate an entire Nexus Artifact Server

Download all artifacts at once or migrate automatically from Nexus to Nexus.

Although the Nexus backup and restore documentation indicates that one could backup and restore Nexus, the data seems not to be restored completely as 500 errors occur when an artifact is downloaded from the UI after restore. It could also be possible that some steps were not issued as they have should been. Apart from that, the restore is capable of restoring the Nexus configuration.

N3DR excludes the backup of group repositories and is able to backup various repositories, configure them, restore artifacts or migrate them to another Nexus3 server. Table 1 indicates what is supported by N3DR.

Note: uploads to proxy repositories are not supported by Nexus3 itself. As a workaround one could create a hosted repository in Nexus and upload the backed up proxy content to it.

The aims of the n3dr tool are:

  • to backup artifacts from a certain Nexus3 repository.
  • to migrate and/or restore them to another Nexus3 server.
  • configuration-as-code (cac).
type backup upload label cac
apt x x ^ x
docker x x `` x
maven2 x x + x
npm x x * x
nuget x x $ x
raw x x % x
rubygems x x - x
yum x x # x
unknown n/a n/a ?

Table 1: Overview of Nexus3 types that can be downloaded, uploaded and/or configured by N3DR.



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