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Find Nerd Glyphs Easily 🤓🔭

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Find Nerd Glyphs Easily 🤓🔭

nerdy.nvim in action
nerdy.nvim in action

Do you like Nerd fonts? but don't like going over to their site just to fetch a glyph for your pretty terminal?

Well, me too!

Introducing nerdy.nvim, a super handy plugin that lets you easily search, preview and insert all nerd font glyphs straight from neovim!

✨ Features

  • Fuzzy search nerd glyphs
  • Preview glyphs before inserting
  • Super lightweight
  • Can auto generate new icons from source


⚡ Requirements

  • You have installed the latest version of neovim

These two plugins are optional but highly recommended for a smoother user experience.

🚀 Installation

-- Lazy
    dependencies = {
    cmd = 'Nerdy',

-- Packer
use '2kabhishek/nerdy.nvim'

💻 Usage

nerdy.nvim adds a new command Nerdy.

You can add your custom bindings for the command, the recommended keybinding is <leader>f,.

check :help nerdy for more details.

NOTE: By default there are no configured keybindings.

Fetch new icons

Running the python scripts/ command will automatically fetch new icons from source and update the icons.

Behind The Code

🌈 Inspiration

I love nerd font glyphs, and I use them anywhere I can! but I was wasting a lot of time going back and forth between nerd font site and neovim, also the copy feature was super buggy for me on the site, so I made nerdy!

💡 Challenges/Learnings

  • Making the generated icon table with was a bit tricky.

🧰 Tooling

🔍 More Info

  • nerdicons.nvim — Nerdy was inspired by nerdicons, thanks to the original authors for the groundwork.
  • co-author.nvim — Another one of my plugin that easily lets you add co authors

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Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Nerdy.nvim" Project. README Source: 2KAbhishek/nerdy.nvim
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Last Commit
8 months ago

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