Nexth Save

A Next.js + Ethereum starter kit with Viem, Wagmi, Web3Modal, SIWE, Tailwind, daisyUI and more to quickly ship production-ready Web3 Apps ⚡

Project README


A Next.js + Ethereum starter kit with Viem, Wagmi, Web3Modal, SIWE, Tailwind, daisyUI and more to quickly ship production-ready Web3 Apps ⚡

Nexth Readme Image

Packages 📦

  • App - Next.js 14, with App router
  • Hardhat - Hardhat projects
  • Foundry - Foundry projects

Choose the framework to use, "hardhat" or "foundry", eliminating the one we will not use.

1- Delete the folder of the framework that will not be used: ./packages/hardhat/ or ./packages/foundry/

2- Go to "packages/app/wagmi.config.ts" and remove the plugin that will not be used.

    project: '../hardhat',
    deployments: {
    Message: {
        11155111: '0xcc5a0d6268d70811edad77799f2168afe6382e89',
    project: '../foundry',
    deployments: {
    Message: {
        11155111: '0xcc5a0d6268d70811edad77799f2168afe6382e89',

Development 🛠️

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Deploy on Vercel 🚢

Deploy with Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

Open Source Agenda is not affiliated with "Nexth" Project. README Source: wslyvh/nexth
Open Issues
Last Commit
1 month ago

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