Ng Bootstrap Versions Save

Angular powered Bootstrap


1 year ago

Bug Fixes


  • datepicker: add 'contentTemplate' to input datepicker (2bfc212), closes #4497
  • datepicker: allow accessing i18n from the instance (0864688)
  • dropdown: replace NgbNavbar usage by DOM call to closest() (#4471) (c524384), closes #4462
  • modal: allow update options of opened modal (e945442), closes #4281 #4396 #4446
  • typeahead: add selectOnExact option (4eb6cc7), closes #4371


1 year ago

Bug Fixes

  • accordion: fix inconsistent closeOthers behavior (#4490) (77f667d)
  • pagination: remove .visually-hidden spans (#4492) (c819b6c), closes #3870
  • popover: avoid moving sibling elements on open (0c45ae8), closes #4494
  • tooltip: avoid moving sibling elements on open (65c1db9), closes #4494


1 year ago

This release improves navs accessibility and introduces a new accordion implementation based on directives. The new implementation is more flexible and allows for easier customization. Old accordion implementation is still available, but deprecated and will be removed in one of the future major releases.

See the documentation for more details.

Bug Fixes

  • accordion: fix OnPush change detection strategy behavior (#4480) (d39d508)
  • nav: add 'presentation' role to nav items (e88c5c5), closes #4398


  • accordion: export NgbAccordionItem directive to the template (#4479) (c0c6358)
  • accordion: add NgbAccordionButton directive (f1eefe0)
  • accordion: new accordion implemented with directives (#4437) (fd56d0e)
  • nav: allow using NgbNavLink on a button element (7db38b8)
  • rating: allow customizing aria-textvalue (#4453) (064fef3)


1 year ago

Fixes a DI issue with modal dependencies in lazy-loaded modules introduced in 14.0.0.

Bug Fixes

  • modal: provide NgbModal at the correct level (#4464) (8ac01c2), closes #4447
  • positioning: use inject for NgbRTL dependency (7f2146d), closes #4403
  • progressbar: add aria attributes in parent and text-bg-color class when no textType (#4461) (54bf804)
  • schematics: correct 'bootstrap/scss/bootstrap' imports (#4465) (56b166b), closes #4463


1 year ago

This release bumps minimum supported versions to Angular 15.0.0, Bootstrap 5.2.3 and Popper 2.11.6.

It also introduces support for standalone components, which means that you can now import ng-bootstrap inside your standalone components in 3 ways:

imports: [NgbModule]                     // import all ng-bootstrap components
imports: [NgbNavModule]                  // import a certain type of components
imports: [NgbNav, NgbNavOutlet, etc... ] // import required components individually

The demo site, stackblitzes and documentation have been updated to reflect these changes.

Bug Fixes

  • accordion: add missing forwardRef (9e01092)
  • datepicker: add missing forwardRef (1e68c9b)


  • migrate all components and directives to standalone (5e6d11c)


1 year ago
  • accordion: add missing forwardRef (9e01092)
  • datepicker: add missing forwardRef (1e68c9b)


1 year ago

This release bumps minimum supported versions to Angular 15.0.0, Bootstrap 5.2.3 and Popper 2.11.6.

It also introduces support for standalone components, which means that you can now import ng-bootstrap inside your standalone components in 3 ways:

imports: [NgbModule]                     // import all ng-bootstrap components
imports: [NgbNavModule]                  // import a certain type of components
imports: [NgbNav, NgbNavOutlet, etc... ] // import required components individually

The demo site, stackblitzes and documentation have been updated to reflect these changes.


1 year ago

Bug Fixes

  • toast: update toast transitions to match Bootstrap 5.2 (#4411) (f1c2a09)
  • typeahead: remove aria-multiline attribute (#4409) (9bd749c), closes #4181


1 year ago

This release adds several features, notably:

Bug Fixes

  • collapse: restore previous transition logic (#4388) (ec372c3)
  • collapse: solved running transition twice (#4374) (9c8bf98)
  • datepicker: add NgbDateStructAdapter to export list (#4335) (a6e9f2e)
  • positioning: generate correct RTL placements for popper (5379cd0)
  • offcanvas: change animations to be like in Bootstrap 5.2.0 (#4366) (cb4406d)
  • schematics: install @angular/localize to devDependencies (5289e8a)
  • timepicker: add exportAs property for ngbTimepicker (#3980) (94e7b35)


  • positioning: allow configuring Popper via popperOptions API (#4323) (a6f6803)
  • collapse: add horizontal collapse (98f0527)
  • offcanvas: add static backdrop option (#4367) (fe4c798)
  • popover: allow specifying target for popover (711bfd3)
  • progressbar: add aria-label (6a3ebaa), closes #4133
  • rating: allow overriding tabindex with provided value (#4309) (9d80e66)
  • tooltip: allow specifying target for tooltip (dc82372)


1 year ago

This release adds Angular 14.1 and Bootstrap 5.2.0 support. It also removes deprecated checkboxes and radio buttons.

Bug Fixes

  • datepicker: better display for a disabled datepicker (52ec5b5)
  • datepicker: use -bs-xxx variables for colors (3012aaf)
  • replace ComponentFactory with new createComponent API (9a011f3), closes #4343
  • use new setInput() API instead of setting inputs manually (eec4e43)


  • buttons: Checkbox and Radio buttons are no longer a part of ng-bootstrap, please use native Angular. They were deprecated in ng-bootstrap 12, see this page for more details.