Ng Bootstrap Versions Save

Angular powered Bootstrap


2 years ago

This is the first beta version that adds Angular 14 support.


  • buttons: Checkbox and Radio buttons are no longer a part of ng-bootstrap, please use native Angular. They were deprecated in ng-bootstrap 12, see this page for more details.


2 years ago

Bugfixes for popper positioning related to tooltip/popover arrow placement and overall performance.

Bug Fixes

  • positioning: not all classnames are removed correctly after change detection (9775246), closes #4327
  • pagination: allow for custom and null 'size' values (8df5f74), closes #3816
  • datepicker: schedule positioning calculations correctly (745a64d)
  • dropdown: schedule positioning calculations correctly (077047e)
  • popover: schedule positioning calculations correctly (6b16b8d)
  • tooltip: schedule positioning calculations correctly (662f2b6), closes #4321
  • typeahead: schedule positioning calculations correctly (79454d1)


2 years ago

I small bugfix for an issue introduced in 12.1.0 for those using rxjs ^6.5.3

Bug Fixes

  • offcanvas: use correct rxjs import for the 'finalize' operator (#4317) (428d666)


2 years ago

This release introduces a new Offcanvas component with the API similar to Modal.


  • offcanvas: add new Offcanvas component and service (e504c31)
  • modal: add a 'fullscreen' option (6d6189b), closes #4298


2 years ago

More bugfixes for the Bootstrap 5 release

Bug Fixes

  • datepicker: add offset to match Bootstrap (47fc2fe)
  • datepicker: do not scroll when opening with container='body' (#4294) (112b507), closes #4290
  • datepicker: ensure popup is shown above modal (#4282) (029ac2a), closes #4278
  • dropdown: add offset to match Bootstrap #4297 (9f2fe0d)
  • dropdown: disable host button of disabled dropdown item (4f71568), closes #4301
  • dropdown: ensure popup is shown above modal (0a41501)
  • dropdown: set tabIndex to -1 on disabled dropdown items (1ab5d21), closes #4301
  • modal: remove visual 'twitch' when closing (#4295) (15246f2), closes #4293
  • popover: change offset to match Bootstrap (90b4715)
  • rating: changing [max] doesn't update displayed number of stars (9b49136), closes #4132
  • typeahead: add offset to match Bootstrap (7f636ed)
  • typeahead: ensure popup is shown above modal (d10df5d)


2 years ago

This release contains some bugfixes for those who still remain on Bootstrap 4

Bug Fixes

  • accordion: accept ids that start with a digit (#4196) (ab87fc7), closes #4195
  • dropdown: disable host button of disabled dropdown item (ba19329), closes #4301
  • dropdown: set tabIndex to -1 on disabled dropdown items (9cdc0fc), closes #4301
  • modal: allows to set an HTMLElement as container in NgbModalConfig (#4161) (fb01f15), closes #4160
  • modal: remove visual 'twitch' when closing (#4295) (a29b445), closes #4293
  • modal: scrollbar issue with stacked modals (#4256) (cf13227), closes #4255
  • rating: changing [max] doesn't update displayed number of stars (9a66076), closes #4132


2 years ago

This release contains a couple of bugfixes for the Bootstrap 5 release.

ng-bootstrap web site was updated with documentation for older releases (now there is a dropdown in the header to switch between versions).

Bug Fixes

  • accordion: accept ids that start with a digit (#4196) (c2eef9a), closes #4195
  • carousel: fix hidden carousel indicators (#4259) (bee2668), closes #4200 #4253
  • datepicker: respond to autoClose changes dynamically (34e3d53)
  • dropdown: respond to autoClose changes dynamically (1def999)
  • modal: allows setting an HTMLElement as container in NgbModalConfig (#4161) (a93c439), closes #4160
  • modal: scrollbar issue with stacked modals (#4256) (9da624d), closes #4255


2 years ago

This release adds Bootstrap 5 support.


  • upgrade to bootstrap 5.0.0 (5f51908)
  • carousel: rename left right classes for positioning (bebd9ab)
  • datepicker: rename left right classes for positioning (a821d49)
  • dropdown: rename left right classes for positioning (da5d6d1)
  • popover: rename left right classes for positioning (23da190)
  • positioning: rename left and right classes (486a929)
  • tooltip: rename left right classes for positioning (e9bb545)
  • typeahead: rename left right classes for positioning (4628503)

Bug Fixes

  • .ml- and .mr- to .ms- and .me- (ca40910)
  • .pl- and .pr- to .ps- and .pe- (ae3a3fe)
  • .text-left .text-right to .text-start .text-end (65f8954)
  • accordion: follow bootstrap 5 markup (29f61d5)
  • accordion: update classes for the headers (7565054)
  • alert: new css class for close button (#3976) (43bae41)
  • button: button group (d598cb4)
  • dropdown: manage static menu (65ba6c3)
  • modal: adds overflow: hidden from code and fixes scrollbar measurement (5c58309), closes #4128
  • modal: close button (4794632)
  • modal: upgrade z-index for backdrop (fc84cb1)
  • popover: fix positioning after the beta2 (e782244)
  • positioning: use popper 2 for positioning (#4129) (5842eb5)
  • tabset: radios on the tabset demo (2294275)
  • toast: default delay and toasts container removal (ed5aca9)
  • toast: new css class for btn-close (#3986) (7dcead9)
  • add navbar containers when needed (9b0ade5)
  • change custom-select by form-select (5ec43b6)
  • e2e failed because of changed error message (e8a604a)
  • e2e failed because of dependencies (ff66111)
  • icon layout in input-group (e4ac56a)
  • margins/layout issues (e5e8461)
  • refactor form-inline and form-group (ddfde57)
  • rename float-left float-right to float-start float-end (292e123)
  • renamed .font-weight- utilities as .fw- (#3979) (1c2add3)
  • renamed .sr-only to .visually-hidden (#3982) (09eb6b2)
  • small sidebar fixes (a6f4dac)


  • positioning: ng-bootstrap adds "@popperjs/core": "^2.10.2" as a peer dependency. All positioning logic for datepicker, dropdown, popover, tooltip and typeahead is outsourced to popper.js.
  • NgbSlideEventDirection : LEFT and RIGHT have been renamed to START and END






2 years ago

This release adds Angular 13 support.

Apologies for the version mixup with this release, please use this guide:

  • ng-bootstrap 10 (stable) -> Angular 12 and Bootstrap 4
  • ng-bootstrap 11 (stable) -> Angular 13 and Bootstrap 4
  • ng-bootstrap 12 (beta) -> Angular 13 and Bootstrap 5

Bug Fixes

  • remove 'entryComponents' from the code (a6fd72b)
  • remove deprecated 'ComponentFactoryResolver' (60514a3)
  • accordion: fix broken collapse animation (801093a)
  • datepicker: fix header colors (c24880c)


2 years ago

This is a republsih of 12.0.0-beta.3 that was corrupted.

This 4th beta release for Bootstrap 5 adds Angular 13 support and uses Popper.js for positioning. Schematics are not yet updated for this version.

Apologies for the version mixup with this release, please use this guide:

  • ng-bootstrap 10 (stable) -> Angular 12 and Bootstrap 4
  • ng-bootstrap 11 (rc) -> Angular 13 and Bootstrap 4
  • ng-bootstrap 12 (beta) -> Angular 13 and Bootstrap 5


  • positioning: use popper 2 for positioning (#4129) (5842eb5)


  • positioning: ng-bootstrap adds "@popperjs/core": "^2.10.2" as a peer dependency. All positioning logic for datepicker, dropdown, popover, tooltip and typeahead is outsourced to popper.js.